CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN Markdown: Ordered Lists

If the line starts with a number followed by a dot and a space then this is interpreted as item in an enumerated list.

1. item1
2. item2

9. item1
  1. item1
  2. item2
  1. item1

In fact it does not matter which digit is used to start with. It can be any value. The enumeration is performed automatically. Even if there are more than 9 items the first digit has to be a single one.

1. item1
1. item2

1. item1
  1. item1
  2. item2
  1. item1

Note that the indentation of the first level by one space is ignored. This is for convenience but considered to be a bad practice.


Ordered lists can be cascaded. This is done by indenting the next level by two more leading spaces.

1. item1
  1. item1
  1. item2
1. item2  
  1. item1

1. item1

  1. item2
  2. item2

Mixture with unordered lists

1. item1
  * item1
  * item2
1. item2  
  1. item1


  • item2
1. item2

* item1
  1. item1
  1. item2
* item2  
  • item1
    1. item1
    2. item2
  • item2

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