Help on CTAN
How can I contact the authors of a package?
Usually the authors are interested to be contacted and receive feedback on their package. Thus the email addresses or other communication channels to the author are usually published in the package documentation. Please consult the package documentation to find the email addresses.
Some of the authors have registered an account on CTAN. If they have agreed to publish their email address you can find it on the member's home page. Navigate to the author's page to find a link to the home page.
- Note:
- The CTAN team has some – but not all – email addresses of authors. We have no indication whether these addresses are still valid. In any case the CTAN team does not pass on the email addresses of authors in order to protect their privacy.
- Where can I get help on TeX, LaTeX, and friends?
- Where can I report problems or request features for packages on CTAN?
- Where can I give feedback on the CTAN portal?
- Where can I request features for the portal?
- Which readme file is displayed in the CTAN browser directly?
- Which markdown syntax is recognized for the readme files?
- Where can I preview readme files?
- Which teaser images for packages or topics are used?
- How should I reference packages on CTAN?
- How can I upload a package?
- How can I see what has been uploaded to CTAN?
- How can I submit modifications to a package?
- How can I donate to CTAN?
- How can I get rid of these HTMLified TeX logos?
- How can I get rid of those strange characters after cut and paste?
- How can I get rid of the varying appearance of the pages?