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Directory macros/latex/contrib/ejpecp




"ejpecp" is a document class for typesetting articles for the mathematical research periodicals "Electronic Journal of Probability" (EJP) and "Electronic Communications in Probability" (ECP). The websites of these electronic journals are https://imstat.org/journals-and-publications/electronic-journal-of-probability/


  • Copyright (c) 2019-2021 by Edgaras SAKURAS, V, Lithuania for EJP-ECP
  • Copyright (c) 2018 by Deimantas GALCIUS, V, Lithuania for EJP-ECP
  • Copyright (c) 2016-2017 by Eimantas GUMBAKIS, V, Lithuania for EJP-ECP
  • Copyright (c) 2011-2015 by Krzysztof BURDZY and Djalil CHAFAI for EJP-ECP
  • The original ECP logo was designed when Ren'e CARMONA was in charge of ECP
  • The original EJP logo was designed by Krzysztof BURDZY
  • The current MR macro was provided by Martin HAIRER
  • The class internals benefited from the comments of S'ebastien GOU"EZEL
  • The getmref.py script is Copyright (c) 2017 S. TOLUSIS, J. PITMAN, L. TOLENE
  • The getmref.py script is free software licensed under the GPL
  • See https://www.e-publications.org/ims/support/batchmref.html


  • sample.tex - sample article for EJP or ECP (source file)
  • sample.pdf - sample article for EJP or ECP (PDF compiled)
  • LPPL - a copy of the Project Public License
  • README.md - this file itself!
  • getmref.py - Python2 script to add MR URLs in bibliographies
  • ejpecp.dtx - class source file
  • ejpecp.ins - class install file
  • ejpecp.pdf - class documentation

HOW TO BUILD ejpecp.cls

  • pdflatex ejpecp.ins produces ejpecp.cls
  • pdflatex ejpecp.dtx produces ejpecp.pdf



ejpecp is a document class designed to be used with a pdflatex engine. ejpecp relies on the following packages: amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm, bera, dsfont, hyperref, geometry, graphicx, latexsym, mathtools, microtype, afterpackage. It was also successfully tested with the next generation engine lualatex.


  • If You get an error after compilation (e.g. in MiK v2.9):
    ! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts.
Try one of the following:
1.  Add _Latin Modern_ font loading lines before the document class line:
    It will change bitmap _Computer Modern_ fonts with scalable _Latin Modern_ fonts.
2.  If 1st step does not solve the problem, then use `nofontexpansion` option:
It will turn off font expansion feature of `microtype` package. 
**No worries**: font expansion will still be used at production stage.
  • If Bitstream Vera font (i.e. bera package) is not available in Your distribution, use nobera class option and add alternative main document font:
    \usepackage{mathptmx}% URW Nimbus Roman
Some suggestions can be found here: https://www.tug.org/FontCatalogue/seriffonts.html
**No worries**: `bera` package will still be used at production stage.


The latest version is on the CTAN at: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/ejpecp

Source code and development is on the GitHub at: https://github.com/vtex-soft/texsupport.ims-ejpecp


  • 2021/11/04 v1.11.3
    • Removed dash in MR
  • 2021/09/07 v1.11.2
    • Added nobera and nofontexpansion options
  • 2021/08/17 v1.11.1
    • Removed dependency on lastpage package
  • 2021/04/20 v1.11.0
    • preprint option added
  • 2021/02/11 v1.10.0
    • acks environment added and support macro
  • 2020/10/21 v1.9.0
    • Supplement environment added
  • 2020/08/26 v1.8.3
    • Updated URLs
  • 2020/08/05
    • Updated getmref.py
      • Updated README and converted to Markdown syntax
  • 2020/07/30 v1.8.2
    • Updated AMS keywords to MSC2020 with url link
      • Updated article no. prefix
  • 2019/04/04 v1.7
    • Merged changes with production version:
      • fixltx2e dependency removed
        • natbib setup with afterpackage
          • cosmetic changes
  • 2019/03/28 v1.6
    • Full url doi links, new package maintainer, shorttitle info
  • 2016/09/06 v1.5
    • hypertexnames=false configuration for hyperref package
  • 2016/04/06 v1.4
    • Abstract baselineskip correction - paragraph ending inserted at the end of abstract
  • 2016/02/23 v1.3
    • Updated journal URLs and DOI output format
  • 2015/12/23 v1.2
    • Adapt sample.tex to EJMS/VTEX transition.
  • 2014/12/13 v1.1
    • Added class option PSTRICKS for problematic graphics
      • Added Sébastien Gouëzel to \ACKNO in sample.tex
      • Added load of mathtools, fixltx2e, microtype (suggested by Sébastien Gouëzel)
      • Replaced \begin/end{center} by \centering for figure in sample.tex (idem)
      • Removed \makeatletter/other from class file (idem)
      • Removed \ARXIVPASSWORD
      • Modified macro \EMAIL to allow special characters
  • 2012/12/12 v1.0
    • Added macro \BEMAIL for new lines in footnotes
      • Added macro \DEDICATORY (suggested by Richard Bass)
      • Added class option NOAMS for problematic papers
      • Added trailing / in journal URL appearing in page foot
      • Added support for hyperref pdftitle and other fields
      • Added several environments derived from the theorem environment
      • Added more comments on mgetmref.py and on environments in sample.tex
      • Added more comments on \TITLE and \AUTHORS in sample.tex
      • Added reference list (bibliography) to table of contents and PDF support
      • Added macro \HALID for Hyper Article en Ligne (French preprints)
      • Fixed incorrect key spacing in bibliography (reported by Martin Hairer)
      • Fixed hyperref options pdfborder and colorlinks
      • Modified paragraph on source file preparation in sample.tex (clarification)
      • Modified margins (now left and right margins are identical)
      • Modified headings (shorter paper reference, rational page number on foot)
      • Modified "AMS Subject Classification 2010" into "AMS MSC 2010"
      • Modified spacing after abstract for keywords, AMS-MSC, etc
  • 2012/01/09 v0.57721
    • Added \EMAIL macro and updated sample.tex accordingly
      • Added environments "fact" and "notations" and updated sample.tex
      • Modified headings, now DOI and ISSN are in first page headings
      • Modified "Key words" into "Keywords"
      • Modified ECP logo (length and width of horizontal rules)
  • 2011/12/24 v0.5772
    • Added dependency on lastpage package
      • Modified hyperref options (no link borders + other tweaks)
      • Modified sample.tex (page numbering and lastpage)
      • Modified \@PAGEEND using lastpage package
      • Removed \PAGESTART and \PAGEEND from sample.tex
  • 2011/12/12 v0.577
    • Added macro \ACKNO
      • Added script mgetmref.py (suggested by Ph. Carmona)
      • Modified \MR macro (thanks, Martin!) and removal of xstring dependency
      • Modified sample.tex with more comments
      • Removed \THANKS in favor of the standard \thanks
  • 2011/12/01 v0.57
    • Added ISSN and support for DOI and for arXiv
      • Added new class options "draft" and "final" (passed to the article class)
      • Added customized \thebibliography with reduced \itemsep (due to bera)
      • Added customized \itemize and \enumerate with reduced \itemsep (due to bera)
      • Modified \MR (prints now "MR-#" instead of "MR #")
      • Modified sample.tex (includes corrections after Anton's comments)
  • 2011/11/26 v0.5
    • Initial version

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (287.6k).

ejpecp – Class for EJP and ECP

The class is designed for typesetting articles for the mathematical research periodicals Electronic Journal of Probability (EJP) and Electronic Communications in Probability (ECP).

It depends on amsmath, amsfonts, amsthm, bera, dsfont, geometry, graphicx, hyperref, lastpage, latexsym, mathtools, microtype, and afterpackage.

Version1.11.3 2021-11-04
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2011–2015 Krzysztof BURDZY and Djalil CHAFAI for EJP-ECP
2016–2017 Eimantas GUMBAKIS, V, Lithuania for EJP-ECP
2018 Deimantas GALCIUS, V, Lithuania for EJP-ECP
2019–2021 Edgaras SAKURAS, V, Lithuania for EJP-ECP
MaintainerEdgaras Šakuras
Djalil Chafaï (inactive)
Eimantas Gumbakis (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as ejpecp
MiKTeX as ejpecp
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