Suggestions for remreset
The following packages have something in common with the package remreset. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- assoccnt: Associate counters, making them step when a master steps
- cntperchap: Store counter values per chapter
- perpage: Make a counter reset at every page boundary
- removefr: Remove from counter-reset lists
- totcount: Find the last value of a counter
- chngcntr: Change the resetting of counters
- dcounter: Support dynamic counters
- aliascnt: Alias counters
- xassoccnt: Associated counters stepping simultaneously
- xcntperchap: Track the number of subsections etc. that occur in a specified tracklevel
- totalcount: Commands for typesetting total values of counters
- counterz: Additional tools for counters
- sublabel: Sub-number counters
- smartref: Extend LaTeX's \ref capability
- ltxutil: LaTeX utility macros
- zero: Start list (etc.) numbering at zero
- carlisle: David Carlisle’s small packages
- labelcas: Check the existence of labels, and fork accordingly
- plain-ltx: Make plain TeX files LaTeXable
- scalefnt: Rescale fonts to arbitrary sizes
- dotlessj: Generates a dot-less j
- slashed: Put a slash through characters
- ltxtable: Longtable and tabularx merge
- camel: Prototype work on future citation engine
- pslatex: Use PostScript fonts by default
- xcite: Use citation keys from a different document
- forloop: Iteration in LaTeX
- cdcmd: Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
- lambdax: Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
- enverb: Read an environment verbatim
- ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces