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enverb – Read an environment verbatim

This package allows you to collect the contents of an environment verbatim, and provides that inside the macro \enverbBody. What you then do with that content is up to you. It also allows you to place arbitrary content at the start and end of each line (which doesn’t have to be verbatim). The two convenience macros \enverbExecute and \enverbListings can be used to typeset the contents and wrap the contents inside another verbatim environment, respectively.

Bug trackerhttps://gitlab.com/islandoftex/texmf/enverb/-/issues
Version1.0 2024-08-28
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2023–2024 Jonathan P. Spratte
MaintainerJonathan P. Spratte
Contained inTeX Live as enverb
MiKTeX as enverb
Macro Demonstration
Macro support

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