CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Body Font

This topic contains packages with font designed for use as body font for Latin-based script documents.

Accanthis fonts, with support.
Alegreya fonts with support.
Almendra fonts with support.
The Archivo font face with support for and pdf.
Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko.
The Arvo font face with support for and pdf.
Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with support.
The Bitter family of fonts with support.
A humanist Sans Serif font, with support.
Support for the Caladea family of fonts.
CharisSIL fonts with support for all engines.
Using the free Chivo fonts with .
A serif font family.
URW Classico fonts.
Clear Sans fonts with support.
Cochineal fonts with support.
Coelacanth fonts with support.
Cormorant Garamond family of fonts.
Cuprum font family support for .
Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics.
support for the Droid font families.
support for EBGaramond fonts.
Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia.
An expansion of Edward Tufte’s ET-Bembo family.
A free Bembo-like font.
Fira fonts with support.
Forum fonts with support.
SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L.
The Garamond Libre font face.
support for the Gelasio family of fonts.
Support for the TrueType font GentiumPlus.
A complete Greek font with Latin and Cyrillic, too.
Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files.
A Greek font based on Didot’s work.
The classic version of GFSDidot.
Gillius fonts with support.
GoSans and GoMono fonts with support.
The Gudea font face with support for and pdf.
The HindMadurai font face with support for and pdf.
support for the Ibarra Real Nova family of fonts.
Inria fonts with support.
The inter font face with support for , XeLaTeX, and Lua.
Josefin fonts with support.
Arabic font for university articles.
OTF version of the Kp-fonts.
The Lexend fonts for XeLaTeX and Lua through fontspec.
Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with .
Linux Libertine fonts for use with Lua and .
(pdf) support for the Libertine family of fonts.
The Libertinus font family.
Support for Libertinus OpenType.
Support for using Libertinus fonts with /pdf.
The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with support.
Libre Bodoni fonts with support.
Libre Caslon fonts, with support.
support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts.
LinguisticsPro fonts with support.
Latin modern fonts in outline formats.
The Magra font face with support for and pdf.
Marcellus fonts with support.
Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with support.
MFB Oldstyle serif fonts.
support for MintSpirit font families.
A blacker Type 1 version of Computer Modern, with multilingual support.
Computer Modern Type 3 fonts converted using .
Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets.
Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics.
Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics.
Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts.
Support for Noto fonts.
Support for the condensed variants of the Noto fonts.
The Nunito font face with support for and pdf.
OldStandard fonts with support.
support for free fonts by ParaType.
Playfair Display fonts with support.
The Play font face with support for and pdf.
Support for IBM Plex fonts.
PoiretOne family of fonts with support.
The QualiType font collection.
Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with support.
Support for the Roboto family of fonts.
Extension of GyreSchola (New Century Schoolbook) with math support.
Spectral fonts with support.
Font STIX2 for Serbian and Macedonian.
A free Times-like font.
A reworking of STIX2.
OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts.
Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts.
TheanoDidot fonts with support.
Theano Modern fonts with support.
Theano OldStyle fonts with support.
Tinos fonts with support.
Universalis font, with support.
Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts.
Ysabeau fonts with support for traditional engines.
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