File management
This topic contains packages for TeX-related-file management.
Creates a template for a self-extracting .dtx file.
Create an external file from within a LaTeX document.
filecontents + macro + verbatim.
Access and compare info and modification dates.
LaTeX’s mechanisms for dealing with file errors.
Flatten \input, etc., in a LaTeX file.
Flatten \input, etc., in a LaTeX file.
Find the date of last modification of a file.
Extended file name support for graphics (legacy package).
Prints the version and date of a LaTeX class or style file.
Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document.
Print version information for a LaTeX file.
Find files input by a document.
Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files.
List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document.
Inclusion based on .aux file date stamps.
Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory.
German version of filecontents.
Display class/package/file information.
Get package or file date.