Directory systems/win32/texshell32
WinTeXShell32 Version 0.71 This program is a free shell for the typesetting system TeX. It runs on Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT and XP. Files: The program Source code WinTeXShell32.txt Short description, this file Features: 1. GPL license, sourcecode available. 2. The texshell keeps all its files in its own directory (even the ini file). No extra DLLs that mess up your system directory. 3. Syntax highlighting for TeX commands. 4. External programs freely definable. 5. Support for line specials (Forward and inverse search). 6. Predefined templates and dialogs that assist you in editing text or create new documents. 7. User defined templates that can even surround an existing text. 8. Dialog for inserting images. 9. Images can be opened directly from the texshell. 10. Network and multiuser support. 11. Interface for the Ispell spell checker. History: Version 0.71, 2007-01-31 - Unix line breaks are now handled as default. Version 0.7, 2006-11-19 - When opening files in Unicode mode, Unix line breaks are recognized. - Fixed bugs: - Opening a file using command line parameters could result in using the wrong file filter (important for interaction with previewer). - Opening a file using command line parameters didn't respect Unicode mode. - In Unicode mode log files were not opened in UTF8 format. Version 0.69, 2006-11-15 - Bug Fix: Unicode files were often saved in ANSI format. Version 0.68, 2006-03-17 - Support for Aspell ( - Fixed bugs: - Ispell interface now works on Windows 2000 and XP. Please use Akira Kakuto's Ispell compilation, available at: - TeXShell should no longer freeze when editing large files (Bug only appeared on some Windows versions). Version 0.67, 2005-10-03 - Unicode support. The TeXShell reads and writes UTF-8 format. Version 0.66, 2004-04-23 - New command to comment out text blocks. - The TeXShell is now capable of inserting hard line breaks when typing. This eliminates the problems with word wrap and TeX line counting. To test out this feature edit linebreakat in the file texshell.ini. Version 0.65, 2003-09-28 - Fixed bugs: - Go To Line did not scroll the window content on some Windows systems. - Long font names could cause syntax highlighting to fail. Version 0.64, 2003-04-25 - Set as Main File now also changes the working directory. - Bug Fix: - On some Windows systems, text did not scroll, when searching for text. Version 0.63 Oct.15.2000 - Files can be saved using CTRL+S. The old shortcut F2 still works. - The Templates->Graphics dialog generates [h!t] as LaTeX position to supress LaTeX warning. - Bug fix: - The Move Up and Move Down buttons in User Templates dialog now work correctly. Version 0.62 Jul.2.2000 - Support for international character sets. This does not work with double byte character sets like japanese or korean. - Fixed bugs: - The TeXShell did not work on Windows 2000 when the background color was changed. - Placeholders were expanded only once in a line. Version 0.61 Dec.9.1999 - Bug fix: - User defined menu commands did not work in version 0.6. Version 0.6 Dec.1.1999 - This release was compiled with Delphi 5. This makes the TeXShell larger, but fixes some bugs. - LaTeX is called with the --src-specials options by default. - The Ispell option for german is now ispell -T latin1 -w ������� -d deutsch -a This works with german special characters. - Fixed bugs: - Sometimes the Window-Close-Icon disappeared. - On some computers switching between windows caused some flickering. - Sometimes the TeXShell froze, when working with large files. This bug may still appear on some computers. We believe that it is due to a bug in some versions of the Windows operating system. Version 0.59 Oct.31.1999 - Fixed bugs: - Sometimes txx files were created if line specials were deactivated. - Spell checker dialog remained open if connecting to Ispell failed. Version 0.58 Oct.10.1999 - Interface for the Ispell spell checker. - Replace Dialog now works as in Wordpad. - Fixed bugs: - Find button in Replace Dialog was not working. - Backup file of the main file was overwritten with the log file if this was changed within the TeXShell. Version 0.57 Jul.18.1999 - Bug fix: In network configuration the TeXShell did not write button definitions from network ini to user ini file. Version 0.56 Jun.30.1999 - Drag and Drop added. - Keyboard shortcuts for Cut and Paste now as they should be. Version 0.55 Feb.8.1999 - Bug fix: Sometimes the TeXShell opened files with the wrong code page. Version 0.54 Jan.3.1999 - Bug fix: TeXShell converted all file names to small letters. Version 0.53 Dec.21.1998 - Bug fix: Status of the window bar was not correctly written to the ini file. Version 0.52 Dec.20.1998 - Bug fix: Doubleclicking on a file could result in loading the file multiple times. Version 0.51 Dec.16.1998 - New set of placeholders for calling external programs. - Support for the graphics package. - Command to close all open windows at once. - Tab works. - Fixed bugs: - UNC file names now working. - TeX e option did not work with multiple file documents. Version 0.5 Okt.11th.1998 - The TeXShell remembers all it's windows and starts in exactly the same configuration the user left it. - Network and multiuser support. - Speedbar to quickly change between windows. - User templates now as unmodal dialog. - User buttons now realy freely definable. - Many minor improvements in usabitilty. - Fixed bugs: - Sometims text disappeared when resizing a window. - deactivated closing icon - When closing the texshell without saving the texshell just saved one window. - Malfunctioning syntax highlighting when % at the end of a file. Version 0.33 Mar.12th.1998 - Support for Unix files. - New command line parameters to force file formats or to open files as main files. - The TeXShell remembers it's window size. - The user may define his own speed buttons. - Additional placeholders for forward search. - Small bug fix for inverse search. - Support for dvips and ghostview documented. - Speed of arrow keys greatly improved. Version 0.28 Jan.5th.1998 - First public release If you have any more questions, please take a look at: Have Fun Dirk Struve, Peter Nagel, <> <>
texshell32 – A free TeXShell for MS-Windows 95 and NT
Features include:
- All files kept in own directory (no extra DLLs that mess up your system directory);
- Syntax highlighting for TeX commands;
- External programs freely definable;
- Support for dviwin’s line specials;
- Predefined templates and dialogs that assist you in editing text or create new documents;
- User defined templates that can even embrace an existing text;
- Dialog for inserting images (works with dviwin only);
- Images can be opened directly from the texshell.
Furthermore, the system is a small one.
Package | texshell32 |
Version | 0.71 |
Licenses | GNU General Public License |
Maintainer | Dirk Struve |
Topics | IDE |
See also | winshell WinEdt |