Directory systems/win32/texhelpers/labelmag
Purpose: labelmag is a 32 bit windows program to manage your collection of labels, mostly for printing distinct labels on demand. Features: GUI interface for choosing labels, entering amount of each label to be printed, optionally querying an odbc data source, TeX macros for printing labels. Licensing: Free, without source code. Package contents: README (this file), consisting of: labelmag.exe (the program) labelmag.tex (documentation in LaTeX format) sample.xtr (sample label database) The following files will be generated by labelmag: etineu.tex (formatting macro) private.tex (more macros) dina4pap.bat (sample batch file called by labelmag) dina4rot.bat (sample batch file called by labelmag) Installation: unzip to a directory of your choice, run labelmag.tex through LaTeX, read labelmag.dvi for further instructions. Version: 1.02 of may, 2000: improved data connections, better macros, faster Author: Peter Willadt Heinrich-Wieland-Allee 5 75177 Pforzheim Germany mailto:
labelmag – Manage a collection of labels
A MS-Win32 program for managing a collection of labels to be typeset by TeX and printed on demand. The collection will be held together within a single file; labels may be kept within categories. As an advanced feature, mailing labels, e.g., may query an ODBC data source.
Package | labelmag |
Licenses | No Source Available |
Maintainer | Peter Willadt |
Topics | Labels |