Directory support/byzantinemusic
The byzantinemusic package makes it possible to directly type Byzantine Ecclesiastical musical and traditional Panhellenic and Eastern folk music using unicode TeX engine and the included BZ-fonts font family. The fonts included are licensed under the latest OFL license. The macros and the provided java utility are GPLv3 or later. For bug reports contact Charalampos Cornaros: kornaros AT April 2016, Samos, Greece.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.3M).
byzantinemusic – Facilitates writing byzantinemusic
The package facilitates writing byzantinemusic offering fonts and useful utilities.
Package | byzantinemusic |
Version | 2016-04-21 |
Licenses | GNU General Public License, version 3 |
Maintainer | Charalampos Cornaros |
Contained in | MiKTeX as byzantinemusic |
Topics | Music Font Music |