CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory support/adobemapping

(This file public domain, originally written by Karl Berry, 2010.)

This directory contains the CMap and PDF Mapping resources distributed
by Adobe, excluding the ones which are deprecated.

This bundle was uploaded to CTAN by Hironobu Yamashita on 2023-03-11,
based on cmap-resources 20190730 and mapping-resources-pdf 20190401.
The latest upstream releases (both 20230118) have some issues when
combined with current TL programs (notably dvipdfmx), so we include
the older versions.

If questions about this redistribution, email tex-live@tug.org.  If
questions or suggestions relating to the actual content of the files, see:

Thanks to Ken Lunde at Adobe for making all this possible.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (6.3M).

adobemapping – Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files

The package comprises the collection of CMap and PDF mapping files made available for distribution by Adobe.

Version 2023-03-11
LicensesBSD Style License
Copyright1990–2023 Adobe Systems Incorporated
MaintainerAdobe Systems Incorporated
Contained inTeX Live as adobemapping
MiKTeX as adobemapping
TopicsFont support
See alsommap
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