Directory support/abc2mtex
Welcome to abc2mtex Version 1.6.1 The archived distribution of abc2mtex contains the following files (which should all be available where you found this):- README -- this file Packages ======== abc2mtex1.6.1.tar.gz -- the whole package tarred and gzipped for UNIX users Install.unix -- how to install the UNIX version -- the whole package zipped for PC users Install.pc -- how to install the PC version MacABC1.6.1.hqx -- the package and more hqx'ed for Mac users (note that the Mac distribution may lag behind the rest and may not be the latest version) OzTeX4ABC.hqx -- all a Mac user needs from TeX to use MacABC Install.mac -- how to install the Mac version Introduction ============ INTRO.html -- a hypertext introduction to abc (e.g. URL INTRO.txt -- an ascii version of the introduction to abc Documentation ============= -- a compiled PostScript version of the usrguide abc.txt -- the rules of abc notation in ascii (a cut down version of the usrguide) Changes -- changes between this version and version 1.5 If you want to try out the package, just download the appropiate package and Install file (the documentation files are all included as part of the package). If you just want to find out about abc notation - a simple alphabetical music notation system - have a look at the documentation (the INTRO is the best place to start). Chris Walshaw
abc2mtex – Notate tunes stored in ABC notation
A package to notate tunes stored in an ascii format (abc notation, commonly used to notate traditional music). One of the most important aims of ABC notation, and perhaps one that distinguishes it from most, if not all, computer-readable musical languages is that it can be easily read by humans. The package produces files that can be processed with MusicTeX.
Package | abc2mtex |
Home page | |
Version | 1.6.1 |
Licenses | Do Not Sell Except by Arrangement |
Maintainer | Chris Walshaw |
Topics | Foreign import Music |