Directory obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/vxu
vxu 2008/01/25 Copyright (C) Robert Nyqvist, robert(dot)nyqvist(at)bth(dot)se This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Robert Nyqvist. This work consists of the files actawex.dtx actawex.ins actawex.pdf rfmsi.dtx README rfmsi.ins rfmsi.pdf vxulicentiate.cls vxulicentiate.tex vxusymbol.1 vxutentamen.sty vxutentamen.tex Short description ----------------- Document classes for formatting theses and exams in the format required by V�xj� University, Sweden. The directory contain the following classes and packages. actawex doctorial theses in Acta Wexionensia rfmsi master theses vxulicentiate licentiate theses vxutentamen exams Installation and usage ---------------------- 1. Download the files needed for each class. actawex - actawex.dtx, actawex.ins, actawex.pdf rfmsi - rfmsi.dtx, rfmsi.ins, rfmsi.pdf, vxusymbol.1 vxulicentiate - vxulicentiate.cls, vxulicentiate.tex, vxusymbol.1 vxutentamen - vxutentamen.sty, vxutentamen.tex, vxusymbol.1 2. For actawex or rfmsi, run latex actawex.ins or latex rfmsi.ins respectively. This will generate the following files: actawex.cls awcollection.clo awmonograph.clo template.tex for actawex and the files rfmsi.cls template.tex for rfmsi. 3. Write your document by using the corresponding tex file, e.g. template.tex, vxulicentiate.tex or vxutentamen.tex.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (844.1k).
vxu – Document classes for Vaxjo University
The bundle provides classes for formatting theses and exams in the
format required by Växjö University, Sweden. The directory
contains the following classes and packages:
– actawex: doctorial theses in Acta Wexionensia;
– rfmsi: master theses;
– vxulicentiate: licentiate theses; and
– vxutentamen: exams.
The bundle is now obsolete, since Växjö University has become part of the (new) Linnaeus Univeristy.
Package | vxu |
Version | 3.2 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Robert Nyqvist |
Contained in | MiKTeX as vxu |
Topics | Dissertation Obsolete Exam |