CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/plain/graphics



Graphics code for non- users.

This directory provides a small wrapper file such that users of formats based on plain may make use of some of the parts of the standard distribution.

These files are NOT supported by the 3 project, and any problems with them should NOT be reported to the bugs system.

Problems should be reported as issues at https://github.com/davidcarlisle/graphics-pln/issues

David Carlisle 1995/01/29 1996/11/13 2016/08/17 2017/06/01 2018/01/16 2020/03/02 2020/10/30 2021/11/15 2022/06/13 2022/09/27 2022/09/28 2022/12/02 2023/11/09 2024/06/19

Copyright 1995-2024 David Carlisle

All the files in this directory may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Project Public License distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This directory contains

  • README.md This file.
  • exmplpic.tex A plain document using ' picture mode': a portable means of producing simple diagrams.
  • exmplgrf.tex A plain document using the graphicx package, for rotating and scaling text, and include PostScript and other graphics formats. (This will include the file a.ps available in the graphics distribution.)
  • exmplcol.tex A plain document using the color package, for producing colour.
  • exmplpfg.tex A plain document using the contributed psfrag package, for including PostScript documents, while replacing certain text strings with typeset replacements. This uses the example.eps figure from the psfrag 3.0 distribution. Requires etex.
  • miniltx.tex A small miniLaTeX' that defines fakes or otherwise hacks sufficient bits of internals so that the packages can load.
  • picture.tex The user interface to the picture environment. \input picture Normally a plain-style syntax is used, viz
  •     \picture(100,100)
  However if the command `\LaTeXbegin` is issued, then a LaTeX
  syntax of
  May be used. this may be prefered if the picture is being copied
  from a LaTeX document, or if it is produced automatically from
  a drawing tool such as xfig or texcad.
  • autopict.sty This is a frozen copy of a file that used to be distributed with but is no longer needed in that context, it is basically the source of Picture mode from in 2014. The original use for this package was to build a latex format in which some environments such as picture and tabbing were not defined by default, to save space if working with on a machine with 640K memory.
  • graphicx.tex The user interface to the graphicx package. \input graphicx See the documentation in grfguide.ps in the graphics distribution. This file sets the driver to be dvips, pdftex or luatex. If you use another driver, define \Gin@driver before inputting the file.
  • color.tex The user interface to the color package. \input color See the documentation in grfguide.ps in the graphics distribution. This file sets the driver to be dvips, pdftex or luatex. If you use another driver, define \Gin@driver before inputting the file.
  • psfrag.tex The user interface to the psfrag package. \input psfrag See the documentation in pfgguide.tex in the psfrag distribution, and the example document pfgexmpl.tex included here.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (12.9k).

graphics-pln – -style graphics for Plain users

The Plain graphics package is mostly a thin shell around the graphicx and color packages, with support of the -isms in those packages provided by miniltx (which is the largest part of the bundle).

The bundle also contains a file “picture.tex”, which is a wrapper around the autopict.sty, and provides the picture mode to Plain users.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/davidcarlisle/graphics-pln/issues
Version 2024-06-19
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1995–2024 David Carlisle
MaintainerDavid Carlisle
Contained inTeX Live as graphics-pln
MiKTeX as graphics-pln
TopicsPlain ext
Graphics include
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