Directory macros/luatex/latex/makecookbook
VERSION sdfsfsf This is the README file for the MAKECOOKBOOK bundle, version 0.85 dated 2018-12-02. BRIEF DESCRIPTION The MAKECOOKBOOK bundle contains the files needed to create (using LuaTex) a nice quality family cookbook in a form ready to submit to a print-on-demand printer. Modifiable choices have been made regarding standard book features such as trim size, margins, headers/footers, chapter heading formatting, front matter (copyright page, table of contents, etc.) and back matter (recipe index). Commands and environments have been created to format the food stories and recipes. The user will need to: (1) supply their own food stories and recipes(!), and (2) select (install if necessary) the needed OpenType fonts as briefly discussed below and further described in the documentation. Please note that no new document class or package is included here. Rather, we provide a modifiable preamble and a small number of other files that, together, fully support creation of all of the internal pages of a cookbook (i.e., everything except the cover art). COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2018 Terrence P. Murphy and Rosalie A. D'Amico This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License ("LPPL"), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is at: This work is author-maintained and consists of the files listed in the FILES section of this README file. CHANGE HISTORY This is the initial version 0.85, dated 2018-12-02. MAINTENANCE Please report bugs or request features to Terrence P. Murphy: FILES This work consists of the following files: README this file makecookbook-doc.tex documentation file makecookbook-doc.pdf PDF of the above makecookbook.tex the "root" cookbook file makecookbook.pdf PDF of the cookbook cb-preamble.tex the preamble for the cookbook cb-lettrine.cfl config file for the lettrine package config file for makeindex/imakeidx cb-frontmatter.tex the cookbook front matter cb-chapterA.tex a sample cookbook chapter cb-chapterB.tex a sample cookbook chapter cb-imageA.jpg a sample image (from mwe package) cb-imageB.jpg a sample image (from mwe package) FILE DIRECTORIES In the CTAN zip archive, the above files are organized into directories and subdirectories as follows: makecookbook/ The top level makecookbook package directory | README | makecookbook-doc.tex | makecookbook-doc.pdf | |--- mycookbook/ | makecookbook.tex | makecookbook.pdf | cb-preamble.tex | cb-lettrine.cfl | | |--- tex/ | cb-frontmatter.tex | cb-chapterA.tex | cb-chapterB.tex | |--- img/ cb-imageA.jpg cb-imageB.jpg As described in the documentation, the idea is that the mycookbook/ directory will be the root directory of your cookbook project. All of your cookbook chapters will be held in mycookbook/tex/ All of your cookbook images will be held in mycookbook/img/ FONTS The MAKECOOKBOOK bundle assumes you have installed the three fonts listed below. (All are OpenType, including TrueType, and all are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1). To have a successful compile "out of the box", these fonts must be installed on your system: SERIF-------> EB Garamond (version from Google Fonts) SANS SERIF--> Lato (version from SCRIPT------> Italianno (version from Google Fonts) As described in the documentation, you can easily replace those three fonts with your favorite serif, sans serif and script fonts, so long as your replacement fonts have certain required font features.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (499.9k).
makecookbook – Make a Cookbook
The makecookbook bundle contains the files needed to create a nice quality family cookbook in a form ready to submit to most print-on-demand companies. Modifiable choices have been made regarding standard book features such as trim size, margins, headers/footers, chapter heading formatting, front matter (copyright page, table of contents, etc.) and back matter (index). Commands and environments have been created to format the food stories and recipes. The user will need to:
- supply their own food stories and recipes(!), and
- install the needed fonts. We assume a LuaTeX compile.
Please note that no new document class or package is included here. Rather, we provide a modifiable preamble and a small number of other files that, together, fully support creation of all of the internal pages of a cookbook (i.e., everything except the cover art).
Package | makecookbook |
Version | 0.85 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c |
Copyright | 2018 Terrence P. Murphy and Rosalie D’Amico |
Maintainer | Rosalie D’Amico Terrence Murphy |
Contained in | TeX Live as makecookbook |
Topics | LuaTeX Cooking Book publication |