Directory macros/luatex/latex/lua-physical
Author: Thomas Jenni
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2021-05-08
License: MIT
This is a pure Lua library which provides functions and object for doing computation with physical quantities.
In general, a physical quantity consists of a numerical value called magnitude and a unit. There are restrictions to the allowed mathematical operations with physical quantities. For example the quantity time cannot be added to the quantity mass. Furthermore, new quantities can be obtained by multiplication or division from other base quantities. The density is such an example. It can be calculated by dividing the mass of a body by its volume.
The library can be loaded with the command require("physical")
. Like probably no other Lua library, lua-physical pollutes the global namespace with objects that represent physical units. This is in order to simplify the entry of physical quantities. By convention, each unit starts with an underscore in order to distinguish them from other variables. A basic example is the following:
> require("physical") > a = 1.4 * _m > b = 2 * _m > A = (a*b):to(_m^2) > print(A) 2.8 * _m^2
In the above example, two length a and b are defined and then multiplied. The result is an area. The unit of this area is _m*_m
and has to be explicitly converted to _m^2
be the :to()
command. The next example is slightly more complicated.
> require("physical") > m1 = 22 * _kg > m2 = 5.972e24 * _kg > r = 6371 * _km > F_G = (_Gc * m1 * m2 / r^2):to(_N) > print(F_G) 2.16032(10)e2 * _N
The goal of the above example is to calculate the gravitational force on a body with mass 22 kg
sitting on the surface of the earth. As one can see, the result is given with an uncertainty in parentheses. This is because the gravitational constant is not exactly known. Lua-physical can deal with uncertainties. One can give an uncertainty explicitly by instantiating physical.Number()
Temperature units
Temperatur units as _degC
or _degF
are treated as temperature differences. An absolute conversion can be done and has to be called explicitly. The :to()
-function has therefore a second argument, which is by default false. That means temperatures are by default treated as temperature differences. If it is true, absolute conversion is used.
> physical = require("physical") > T_1 = 15 * _degC > print(T_1) 15 * _degC > print(T_1:to(_K)) 15.0 * _K > print(T_1:to(_K,true)) 288.15 * _K
> physical = require("physical") > a = physical.Number(2,0.1) * _m > A = (a^2):to(_m^2) > V = (a^3):to(_m^3) > print(a) 2.00(10) * _m > print(A) 4.0(4) * _m^2 > print(V) 8.0(12) * _m^3
The uncertainty gets propagated by the Gaussian rule for completely uncorrelated uncertainties, i.e. they are added in quadrature. In the above example it is assumed, that the three sides of the cube were measured independently from each other and that the uncertainties of these measurements are not correlated. If one prefers another way of printing uncertainties, there are a few formatting options.
> physical = require("physical") > local l = physical.Number(20.453,0.002) * _m > physical.Number.format = physical.Number.SCIENTIFIC > physical.Number.seperateUncertainty = true > print(l) (2.0453 +/- 0.0002)e1 * _m > physical.Number.seperateUncertainty = false > print(l) 2.0453(2)e1 * _m > physical.Number.format = physical.Number.DECIMAL > physical.Number.seperateUncertainty = true > print(l) (20.453 +/- 0.002) * _m > physical.Number.seperateUncertainty = false 20.453(2) * _m
One can define, whether the uncertainty should be printed in the plus-minus notation or in the parentheses notation.
Since Latex now supports lua, this library is able to generate latex output. It uses the siunitx package notation, see
> physical = require("physical") > E = 210 * _MeV > print(E:tosiunitx()) \SI{210}{\mega\electronvolt}
Physical Data
Besides some physical constans, lua-physical has an isotope database. The data was taken from the Atomic Mass Evaluation - AME2016 by the Chinese Atomic Mass Data Center. The data was parsed and converted into a Lua table. One can access the data via the command physical.Data.Isotope(name,key)
> physical = require("physical") > E_b = physical.Data.Isotope("235U","BindingEnergyPerNucleon") > print(E_b) 7.590914(5)e3 * _keV > T_12 = physical.Data.Isotope("210Po","HalfLife") > print(T_12:to(_d)) 1.38376(2)e2 * _d
List of Units and Prefixes
Base Units
The SI defines seven base units. For dimensionless quantities the unit _1
can be used.
Symbol | Name | Dimension |
_1 |
Number | Dimensionless |
_m |
Meter | Length |
_kg |
Kilogram | Mass |
_s |
Second | Time |
_A |
Ampere | Electric Current |
_K |
Kelvin | Temperature |
_mol |
Mole | Amount of Substance |
_cd |
Candela | Luminous Intensity |
Source: (NIST)
Most of the SI Units can have prefixes, i.e. _km, _hL, _ms, _uJ
Symbol | Name | Factor | Symbol | Name | Factor |
Y |
Yotta | 10^24 | y |
Yocto | 10^-24 |
Z |
Zetta | 10^21 | z |
Zepto | 10^-21 |
E |
Exa | 10^18 | a |
Atto | 10^-18 |
P |
Peta | 10^15 | f |
Femto | 10^-15 |
T |
Tera | 10^12 | p |
Pico | 10^-12 |
G |
Giga | 10^9 | n |
Nano | 10^-9 |
M |
Mega | 10^6 | u |
Micro | 10^-6 |
k |
Kilo | 10^3 | m |
Milli | 10^-3 |
h |
Hecto | 10^2 | c |
Centi | 10^-2 |
da |
Deca | 10^1 | d |
Deci | 10^-1 |
Source: (NIST)
Derived SI Units
Symbol | Name | Definition | Dimension |
_rad |
Radian | _1 |
Plane Angle (Dimensionless) |
_sr |
Steradian | _rad^2 |
Solid Angle (Dimensionless) |
_Hz |
Hertz | 1/_s |
Frequency |
_N |
Newton | _kg*_m/_s^2 |
Force |
_Pa |
Pascal | _N/_m^2 |
Pressure |
_J |
Joule | _N*_m |
Energy |
_W |
Watt | _J/_s |
Power |
_C |
Coulomb | _A*_s |
Electric Charge |
_V |
Volt | _J/_C |
Electric Potential |
_F |
Farad | _C/_V |
Electric Capacitance |
_Ohm |
Ohm | _V/_A |
Electric Resistance |
_S |
Siemens | _A/_V |
Electric Conductance |
_Wb |
Weber | _V*_s |
Magnetic Flux |
_T |
Tesla | _Wb/_m^2 |
Magnetic Flux Density |
_H |
Henry | _Wb/_A |
Inductance |
_lm |
Lumen | _cd*_sr |
Luminous Flux |
_lx |
Lux | _lm/_m^2 |
Illuminance |
_Bq |
Becquerel | 1/_s |
Radioactivity |
_Gy |
Gray | _J/_kg |
Absorbed Dose |
_Sv |
Sievert | _J/_kg |
Equivalent Dose |
_kat |
katal | _mol/_s |
Catalytic Activity |
_degC |
Degree Celsius | x/_K - 273.15 |
Temperature |
Source: (NIST)
Mathematical Constants
Symbol | Name | Definition |
_Pi |
pi | 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 |
_E |
eulernumber | 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999 |
Physical Constants
Symbol | Name | Definition |
_c |
Speed of Light | 299792458 * _m/_s |
_Gc |
Gravitational Constant | 6.67408(31)e-11 * _m^3/(_kg*_s^2) |
_h_P |
Planck Constant | 6.626070040(81)e-34 * _J*_s |
_h_Pbar |
Reduced Planck Constant | _hP/(2*Pi) |
_e |
Elementary Charge | 1.6021766208(98)e-19 * _C |
_u_0 |
Vacuum Permeability | 4e-7*Pi * _N*_A^2 |
_e_0 |
Vacuum Permitivity | 1/(_u0*_c^2) |
_u |
Atomic Mass Unit | 1.66053904(2)e-27 * _kg |
_m_e |
Electron Rest Mass | 9.10938356(11)e-31 * _kg |
_m_p |
Proton Mass | 1.672621898(21)e-27 * _kg |
_m_n |
Neutron Mass | 1.674927471(21)e-27 * _kg |
_u_B |
Bohr Magneton | _e*_hPbar/(2*_m_e) |
_u_N |
Nuclear Magneton | _e*_hPbar/(2*_m_p) |
_alpha |
Finestructure Constant | _u0*_e^2*_c/(2*_hP) |
_Ry |
Rydberg Constant | _alpha^2*_m_e*_c/(2*_hP) |
_N_A |
Avogadro Constant | 6.022140857(74)e23 /_mol |
_R |
Molar Gas Constant | 8.3144598(48) * _J/(_K*_mol) |
_sigma |
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant | Pi^2*_k_B^4/(60*_h_Pbar^3*_c^2) |
_g_0 |
Standard Acceleration of Gravity | 9.80665 * _m/_s^2 |
Source: (NIST)
Nominal Astronomical Units
Symbol | Name | Definition |
_R_sun |
Nominal Solar Radius | 6.957e8 * _m |
_S_sun |
Nominal Solar Irradiance | 1361 * _W/_m^2 |
_L_sun |
Nominal Solar Luminosity | 3.828e26 * _W |
_T_sun |
Nominal Solar Effective Temperature | 5772 * _K |
_GM_sun |
Nominal Solar Mass Parameter | 1.3271244e20 * _m^3 * _s^-2 |
_Re_E |
Nominal Terrestrial Equatorial Radius | 6.3781e6 * _m |
_Rp_E |
Nominal Terrestrial Polar Radius | 6.3568e6 * _m |
_GM_J |
Nominal Terrestrial Mass Parameter | 3.986 004e14 * _m^3 * _s^-2 |
_Re_J |
Nominal Jovian Equatorial Radius | 7.1492e7 * _m |
_Rp_J |
Nominal Jovian Polar Radius | 6.6854e7 * _m |
_GM_J |
Nominal Jovian Mass Parameter | 1.2668653e17 * _m^3 * _s^-2 |
Source: (IAU 2015 Resolution B3)
Non-SI Units accepted for use with the SI
Symbol | Name | Definition | Dimension |
_percent |
Percent | 0.01 * _1 |
Dimensionless |
_permille |
Permille | 0.001 * _1 |
Dimensionless |
_dB |
Decibel | _1 |
Dimensionless |
_deg |
Degree | (Pi/180) * _rad |
Plane Angle (Dimensionless) |
_arcmin |
Arc Minute | _deg/60 |
Plane Angle (Dimensionless) |
_arcsec |
Arc Second | _arcmin/60 |
Plane Angle (Dimensionless) |
_au |
Astronomical Unit | 149597870700 * _m |
Length |
_ly |
Lightyear | _c*_a |
Length |
_pc |
Parsec | (648000/Pi)*_au |
Length |
_angstrom |
Angstrom | 1e-10 * _m |
Length |
_fermi |
Fermi | 1e-15 * _m |
Length |
_are |
Are | 1e2 * _m^2 |
Area |
_hectare |
Hectare | 1e4 * _m^2 |
Area |
_barn |
Barn | 1e-28 * _m^2 |
Area |
_L |
Liter | 0.001 * _m^3 |
Volume |
_t |
Tonne | 1000 * _kg |
Mass |
_svedberg |
Svedberg | 1e-13 * _s |
Time |
_min |
Minute | 60 * _s |
Time |
_h |
Hour | 60 * _min |
Time |
_d |
Day | 24 * _h |
Time |
_wk |
Week | 7 * _d |
Time |
_a |
Julian Year | 365.25 * _d |
Time |
_bar |
Bar | 100000 * _Pa |
Pressure |
_atm |
Standard Atmosphere | 101325 * _Pa |
Pressure |
_at |
Technical Atmosphere | _g0 * _kg/_m^2 |
Pressure |
_mmHg |
Millimeter of Mercury | 133.322387415*_Pa |
Pressure |
_cal |
Thermochemical Calorie | 4.184 * _J |
Energy |
_cal_IT |
International Calorie | 4.1868 * _J |
Energy |
_g_TNT |
Gram of TNT | 1e3 * _cal |
Energy |
_t_TNT |
Ton of TNT | 1e9 * _cal |
Energy |
_eV |
Electron-Volt | _e * _V |
Energy |
_Wh |
Watt-Hour | _W*_h |
Energy |
_VA |
Volt-Ampere | _V*_A |
Power |
_PS |
Metric Horsepower | 75*_g0*_kg*_m/_s |
Power |
_Ah |
Ampere-Hour | _A*_h |
Electric Charge |
_PI |
Poiseuille | _Pa*_s |
Dynamic Viscosity |
Source: (NIST)
Other Metric Units
Symbol | Name | Definition | Dimension |
_tsp |
Metric Teaspoon | 0.005 * _L |
Volume |
_Tbsp |
Metric Tablespoon | 3 * _tsp |
Volume |
_gon |
Gradian | Pi/200*_rad |
Plane Angle (Dimensionless) |
_tr |
Turn | 2*Pi*_rad |
Plane Angle (Dimensionless) |
_sp |
Spat | 4*Pi*_sr |
Solid Angle (Dimensionless) |
_kp |
Kilopond | _g0*_kg |
Force |
_Ci |
Curie | 3.7e10 * _Bq |
Radioactivity |
_rd |
Rad | 0.01 * _Gy |
Absorbed Dose |
_rem |
Rem | 0.01 * _Sv |
Equivalent Dose |
_Ro |
Roentgen | 2.58e-4 * _C/_kg |
Ionic Dose |
Source: (NIST)
Imperial Units
Symbol | Name | Definition | Dimension |
_in |
Inch | 0.0254 * _m |
Length |
_th |
Thou | 0.001 * _in |
Length |
_pc |
Pica | _in/6 |
Length |
_pt |
Point | _in/72 |
Length |
_hh |
Hand | 4 * _in |
Length |
_ft |
Foot | 12 * _in |
Length |
_yd |
Yard | 3 * _ft |
Length |
_rd |
Rod | 5.5 * _yd |
Length |
_ch |
Chain | 4 * _rd |
Length |
_fur |
Furlong | 10 * _ch |
Length |
_mi |
Mile | 8 * _fur |
Length |
_lea |
League | 3 * _mi |
Length |
_nmi |
Nautical Mile | 1852 * _m |
Length |
_nlea |
Nautical League | 3 * _nmi |
Length |
_cb |
Cable | _nmi/10 |
Length |
_ftm |
Fathom | 6 * _ft |
Length |
_ac |
Acre | 43560 * _ft^2 |
Area |
_gal |
Gallon | 4.54609 * _L |
Volume |
_qt |
Quart | _gal/4 |
Volume |
_pint |
Pint | _qt/2 |
Volume |
_cup |
Cup | _pint/2 |
Volume |
_gi |
Gill | _pint/4 |
Volume |
_fl_oz |
Fluid Ounce | _gi/5 |
Volume |
_fl_dr |
Fluid Dram | _fl_oz/8 |
Volume |
_gr |
Grain | 64.79891 * _mg |
Mass |
_lb |
Pound | 7000 * _gr |
Mass |
_oz |
Ounce | _lb/16 |
Mass |
_dr |
Dram | _oz/256 |
Mass |
_st |
Stone | 14 * _lb |
Mass |
_qtr |
Quarter | 2*_st |
Mass |
_cwt |
Hundredweight | 4*_qtr |
Mass |
_ton |
Long Ton | 20*_cwt |
Mass |
_lb_t |
Troy Pound | 5760*_gr |
Mass |
_oz_t |
Troy Ounce | _lb_t/12 |
Mass |
_pwt |
Pennyweight | 24 * _gr |
Mass |
_fir |
Firkin | 56*_lb |
Mass |
_sen |
Sennight | 7*_d |
Time |
_ftn |
Fortnight | 14*_d |
Time |
_degF |
Degree Fahrenheit | (x/_K + 459.67)*(5/9) |
Temperature |
_degR |
Degree Rankine | (x/_K)*(5/9) |
Temperature |
_kn |
Knot | _nmi/_h |
Velocity |
_lbf |
Pound Force | _lb*_g0 |
Force |
_pdl |
Poundal | _lb*_ft/_s^2 |
Force |
_slug |
Slug | _lbf*_s^2/_ft |
Mass |
_psi |
Pound per Square Inch | _lbf/_in^2 |
Pressure |
_BTU_it |
British Thermal Unit | 1055.05585262 * _J |
Energy |
_BTU_th |
British Thermal Unit | (1897.83047608/1.8) * _J |
Energy |
_hp |
Horsepower | 33000*_ft*_lbf/_min |
Power |
Source: (Wikipedia)
US Customary and Survey Units
Symbol | Name | Definition | Dimension |
_in_US |
US Survey Inch | _m/39.37 |
Length |
_hh_US |
US Survey Hand | 4 * _in_US |
Length |
_ft_US |
US Survey Foot | 3 * _hh_US |
Length |
_li_US |
US Survey Link | 0.66 * _ft_US |
Length |
_yd_US |
US Survey Yard | 3 * _ft_US |
Length |
_rod_US |
US Survey Rod | 5.5 * _yd_US |
Length |
_ch_US |
US Survey Chain | 4 * _rd_US |
Length |
_fur_US |
US Survey Furlong | 10 * _ch_US |
Length |
_mi_US |
US Survey Mile | 8 * _fur_US |
Length |
_lea_US |
US Survey League | 3 * _mi_US |
Length |
_ftm_US |
US Survey Fathom | 72 * _in_US |
Length |
_cbl_US |
US Survey Cable | 120 * _ftm_US |
Length |
_ac_US |
US Survey Acre | _ch * _fur_US |
Area |
_gal_US |
US Gallon | 231 * _in^3 |
Volume |
_qt_US |
US Quart | _gal_US/4 |
Volume |
_pint_US |
US Pint | _qt_US/2 |
Volume |
_cup_US |
US Cup | _pint_US/2 |
Volume |
_gi_US |
US Gill | _pint_US/4 |
Volume |
_fl_oz_US |
US Fluid Ounce | _gi_US/4 |
Volume |
_Tbsp_US |
US Tablespoon | _fl_oz_US/2 |
Volume |
_tsp_US |
US Teaspoon | _Tbsp_US/3 |
Volume |
_fl_dr_US |
US Fluid Dram | _fl_oz_US/8 |
Volume |
_qtr_US |
US Quarter | 25 * _lb |
Mass |
_cwt_US |
US Hundredweight | 4 * _qtr_US |
Mass |
_ton_US |
Short Ton | 20*_cwt_US |
Mass |
Source: (Wikipedia)
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (835.3k).
lua-physical – Functions and objects for the computation of physical quantities
This is a pure Lua library, which provides functions and objects for the computation of physical quantities. The package provides units of the SI and the imperial system. In order to display the numbers with measurement uncertainties, the package is able to perform Gaussian error propagation.
Package | lua-physical |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Version | 1.0.5 2021-05-08 |
Licenses | MIT License |
Copyright | 2020–2021 Thomas Jenni |
Maintainer | Thomas Jenni |
Contained in | TeX Live as lua-physical MiKTeX as lua-physical |
Topics | LuaTeX Physics |