Directory macros/luatex/generic/enigma
Description of files: ./enigma-example-context.tex usage example for Context ./enigma-example-latex.tex usage example for LaTeX ./enigma-example-plain.tex usage example for Plain ./COPYING License (BSD) ./enigma_manual.tex manual source (Context) ./enigma-doc.pdf compiled manual ./mtx-t-enigma.lua mtx script (run as “mtxrun --script enigma”) ./enigma.lua format independent code ./t-enigma.mkvi Context interface ./enigma.sty wrapper for LaTeX (inputs enigma.tex) ./enigma.tex Plain interface This is the directory layout I have in mind: enigma_manual.tex -> ./doc/context/third/enigma/enigma_manual.tex enigma-example-plain.tex -> ./doc/context/third/enigma/examples/enigma-example-plain.tex enigma-example-latex.tex -> ./doc/context/third/enigma/examples/enigma-example-latex.tex enigma-example-context.tex -> ./doc/context/third/enigma/examples/enigma-example-context.tex enigma-doc.pdf -> ./doc/context/third/enigma/enigma-doc.pdf COPYING -> ./doc/context/third/enigma/COPYING mtx-t-enigma.lua -> ./scripts/context/lua/third/enigma/mtx-t-enigma.lua t-enigma.mkvi -> ./tex/context/third/enigma/t-enigma.mkvi enigma.sty -> ./tex/latex/enigma/enigma.sty enigma.tex -> ./tex/plain/enigma/enigma.tex enigma.lua -> ./tex/generic/enigma/enigma.lua
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enigma – Encrypt documents with a three rotor Enigma
The package provides historical encryption (Enigma cipher) for LuaTeX-based formats.
Package | enigma |
Version | 0.1 |
Licenses | BSD Style License |
Maintainer | Philipp Gesang |
Contained in | TeX Live as enigma MiKTeX as enigma |
Topics | Security LuaTeX |