CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/umoline

umoline (v1.1): The Package for Under/Mid/Overline for Long Texts.

[How to "make"]

  % tex umoline.ins	# you'll have umoline.sty and umoline-man.tex

# to have user's manual  
  % latex umoline-man
  % makeindex -s gind.ist -o umoline-man.ind umoline-man.idx
  % latex umoline-man

# to have implementation document
  % latex umoline.dtx
  % makeindex -s gind.ist -o umoline.ind umoline.idx
  % makeindex -s gglo.ist -o umoline.gls umoline.glo
  % latex umoline.dtx


+ \Underline{<text>} draw an underline for text allowing line breaks in
  the <text> of "ordinary" character strings or general LaTeX staffs
  surrounded by `{' and `}'.  

+ \Midline{<text>} and \Overline{<text>} are also available.


Hiroshi Nakashima <nakasima@tutics.tut.ac.jp>

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (215.4k).

umoline – Underline text allowing line breaking

Provides commands \Underline, \Midline and \Overline for underlining, striking out, and overlining their text arguments.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1999, 2000 Hiroshi Nakashima
MaintainerHiroshi Nakashima (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as umoline
MiKTeX as umoline
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