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Directory macros/latex/contrib/tqft

tqft --- a TikZ library for drawing TQFT diagrams
bundle version: v2.3 2024/05/31
E-mail: Andrew Stacey <loopspace@mathforge.org>
Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

This package defines some shapes useful for drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF.
The initial idea of this package came from a question and answer on the site https://tex.stackexchange.com.

The package comes in two versions: a package (tqft.sty) and a TikZ library (tikzlibrarytqft.code.tex).  The original package (tqft.sty) is depreciated and has been frozen at version 2.1.  The TikZ library is maintained and should be used in preference, except for legacy code.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (768.0k).

tqft – Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF

The package defines some node shapes useful for drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF. That is, it defines highly customisable shapes that look like cobordisms between circles, such as those used in TQFT and other mathematical diagrams.

Home pagehttps://github.com/loopspace/TQFT
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2011–2024 Andrew Stacey
MaintainerAndrew Stacey
Contained inTeX Live as tqft
MiKTeX as tqft
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