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Directory macros/latex/contrib/tablor

The package allows the user to use the computer algebra system XCAS 
to generate tables of signs and of variations (the actual plotting of
the tables uses the MetaPost macro package "tableauVariation.mp" :

http://frederic.mazoit.free.fr/LaTeX_metapost/tableauVariations/ . 

The tablor package requires that shell escape be enabled.

For instance :

\begin{TV} TV([-10,+infinity],[-1,1],"g","t",x^2/(x^2-1),1,n,\tv) \end{TV} 

draws table of  variations  of  x->x^2/(x^2-1). 

You can download XCAS here:


The     non-french     users    need     to     comment    out     every

" \usepackage[upright]{fourier} "

Just put tablor.sty and tablor.cfg into /texmf/tex/latex/tablor/

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (527.1k).

tablor – Create tables of signs and of variations

The package allows the user to use the computer algebra system XCAS to generate tables of signs and of variations (the actual plotting of the tables uses the macro package tableauVariations). Tables with forbidden regions may be developed using the package.

A configuration file permits some configuration of the language to be used in the diagrams.

The tablor package requires that shell escape be enabled.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2008 Guillaume Connan
MaintainerGuillaume Connan
Contained inTeX Live as tablor
MiKTeX as tablor
TopicsMaths tabvar
See alsotkz-tab
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