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Directory macros/latex/contrib/standalone

LaTeX class and package 'standalone'
Copyright (c) 2010-2022 by Martin Scharrer <martin.scharrer@web.de>
Repository: https://github.com/MartinScharrer/standalone
Issues: https://github.com/MartinScharrer/standalone/issues

Allows TeX diagrams or other TeX code in sub-files to be compiled standalone
or as part of a main document.
Provides support for diagrams with beamer overlays.

Since v0.3 the package provides options to automatically or manually include
all sub-files preambles in the main document preamble.

Since v1.0 the package provides the possibility to compile subfiles automatically
to images from and include them into the main document as well as switch 
easily between source code and image mode. This is done using the \includestandalone
macro which is designed after the common \includegraphics macro.
The standalone class now supports cropping without the 'preview' package
(which causes issues in some causes under XeLaTeX) and the conversion to 
raster images using external tools.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (314.8k).

standalone – Compile pictures stand-alone or as part of a document

A class and package is provided which allows pictures or other code to be compiled standalone or as part of a main document. Special support for pictures with beamer overlays is also provided.

The package is used in the main document and skips extra preambles in sub-files. The class may be used to simplify the preamble in sub-files. By default the preview package is used to display the typeset code without margins.

The behaviour in standalone mode may adjusted using a configuration file standalone.cfg to redefine the standalone environment.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/MartinScharrer/standalone/issues
Version1.3b 2022-10-10
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2010–2022 Martin Scharrer
MaintainerMartin Scharrer
Contained inTeX Live as standalone
MiKTeX as standalone
See alsoincludex
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