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Directory macros/latex/contrib/smartunits



A package that implements automatic conversions between (some) metric and Imperial units. All units are printed using siuntx


      \SmartUnitSettings{metric imperial, places=1}
      \SmartUnit{km=100.0,figures=1}   % 100 km (60 mi)
      \SmartUnit{miles=62.15,places=1} % 100 km (62.2 mi)
      \SmartUnit{cm=10}                % 10 cm (3.9")
      \SmartUnit{celsius=20}           % 20 C (68.0 F)
      \SmartUnit{miles=5.0}            % 8.0 km (5.0 mi)
      \SmartUnit{miles=5.0, figures=1} % 8 km (5 mi)
      \SmartUnit{hours=0, minutes=59}  % 0:59 (12:59 AM) 
      \SmartUnit{hours=12, minutes=12} % 12:12 (12:12 PM)
      \SmartUnit{kg=10.0, places=1}    % 10.0kg (22.0 lbs) 
      \SmartUnit{pound=10.0,figures=1} % 5kg (10 lbs)
      \SmartUnit{l=10.0, places=1}     % 10.0l (2.6gal)
      \SmartUnit{L=10.0, places=1,uk}  % 10.0L (2.2gal)

Units supported

Currently smartunits converts between the following five classes of units:

============    ==============
   Metric          Imperial
------------    --------------    -------------
kilometers      miles             (distance)
centimeters     feet and inches   (length)
Celsius         Fahrenheit        (temperature)
24-hour time    12-hour time      (time)
litres          USA/UK gallons    (volume)
kilograms       pounds            (weight)
============    ==============    =============

It is quite easy to extend the code to other units. I am happy to consider new requests.


The package requires pgfkeys and siunitx.


Copyright (c) 2016 Andrew Mathas

Released under the Project Public License v1.3c or later

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (334.2k).

smartunits – Converting between common metric and Imperial units

This package implements a \SmartUnit macro for converting between (some) metric and Imperial units.

The package requires pgfkeys and siunitx.

Version1.2 2016-02-05
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2016 Andrew Mathas
MaintainerAndrew Mathas
Contained inTeX Live as smartunits
MiKTeX as smartunits
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