Directory macros/latex/contrib/sesamanuel
sesamanuel class, sesamanuel package and sesamanuelTIKZ package Copyright 2014-2015 Sesamath Society Written by Jean-Côme Charpentier, Sébastien Mengin, Sandrine Baglieri LICENCE ------- Publication under LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3 or newers CONTENTS ------- sesamanuel.dtx (source of the class and packages) sesamanuel.ins (setup file) sesamanuel.cls (class) sesamanuel.sty (package) sesamanuelTIKZ.sty (package) sesamanuel.pdf (documentation of the code) sesamath-doc-fr.tex (user's manual sources) sesamath-doc-fr.pdf (user's manual) tiger.eps (graphic file used in user's manual) logotex.eps (graphic file used in user's manual) DESCRIPTION ----------- Sesamath Society's goal is to develop and freely diffuse tough the Internet pedagogical materials and professional tools for teaching Mathematics. sesamanuel class has been written to compose a student's classroom book with LaTeX. The sesamanuel package allows to use some special commands of the sesamanuel class by using an other class as such as beamer. The sesamanualTIKZ package is needed to compile parts of the sesamath's book that content TIKZ pictures. No transaltion of the class, the packages and the user's manual have been scheduled. NEEDS --------- PdfLatex can't be used because some composants of the graphic visuals are written with PSTRICKS Compilation needs to be performed with latex->dvips->ps2pdf or xelatex.
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sesamanuel – Class and package for sesamath books or paper
The package contains a sesamanuel class which could be used to compose a student's classroom book with LaTeX, and also a sesamanuelTIKZ style to be used for TikZ pictures in the sesamath book.
Package | sesamanuel |
Version | 0.6 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Jean-Côme Charpentier |
Contained in | TeX Live as sesamanuel MiKTeX as sesamanuel |
Topics | Maths |