Directory macros/latex/contrib/rorlink
RORLINK – A LaTeX Package for Linking ROR's
by Florian Lukas,
This repo provides a LaTeX package to automatically create an inline ROR-symbol which links to a given ROR-institution.
The code is derived mainly from the Orcidlink package by Leo Stein, which itself rests on the Tex.SE answer by the user Milo. My edits are only minor changes; especially the addition of the svg-path for the ROR symbol.
The package is official available on CTAN. It can be easily donwloaded there.
Or copy the rorlink.sty
file from GitLab into your current LaTeX working directory. You also can copy it directly into your texmf
tree. This may need root privileges.
The usage is very simple. For example, just use:
Tim Duncan \rorlink{<full-ror-url-of-institution>}
The result will look like:
The package is licensed under the LPPL 1.3c.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (221.6k).
rorlink – Create ROR symbols which links to the given ROR-IDs
This package provides an easy to use command. It takes an URL of the Research Organization Registry (ROR) as argument and creates a ROR symbol which links to the given URL — very similar to the orcidlink package from which it is derived. The symbol itself always fits with the choosen font size.
Package | rorlink |
Bug tracker | |
Repository | |
Version | 1.1.0 2023-06-23 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c |
Copyright | 2023 Florian Lukas |
Maintainer | Florian Lukas |
Contained in | TeX Live as rorlink MiKTeX as rorlink |
Topics | Hyper Graphics symbols |