Directory macros/latex/contrib/polytable
This is the polytable package. The license is LPPL. The package depends on lazylist.sty, as available from "CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/lazylist.sty". To install and get documentation, run the following commands: latex polytable.ins latex polytable.dtx latex polytable.dtx Please report bugs to "". Andres Löh, July 2020
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (457.3k).
polytable – Tabular-like environments with named columns
This package implements a variant of tabular-like environments where columns can be given a name and entries can flexibly be placed between arbitrary columns. Complex alignment-based layouts, for example for program code, are possible.
The package depends on lazylist.
Package | polytable |
Version | 0.8.6 2020-07-14 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 2003–2020 Andres Loeh |
Maintainer | Andres Löh |
Contained in | TeX Live as polytable MiKTeX as polytable |
Topics | Table |