Directory macros/latex/contrib/ordinalpt
ordinalpt.sty --- counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese =========================================================== Versions 1.0 -> initial version 2.0 -> reimplementation to make commands fully expandable in order to work with \addcontentsline. 3.0 -> added better forms for ordinals of 11, 12 and 13; changed behavior for these numbers. Copyright (C) 2007 Miguel V. S. Frasson ( LICENSE ======= This file is the README file, part of the `ordinalpt' package. This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution, either version 1.3 or (at your option) any later version. You can obtain a copy of the lppl.txt file from the internet on INTRODUCTION ============ The package _ordinalpt_ provides a counter style (like \arabic, \alph and others) but that produces as output strings like `primeiro' (first in Portuguese), `segundo' (second), `terceiro' (third), etc, up to `mil\'esimo noningent\'esimo nonag\'esimo nono' (1999th). There are counter commands to output the text in UPPERCASE, Capitalized or in lowercase, with masculine or feminine gender. USER COMMANDS ============= \ordptmasc{counter} --> ordinals in lowercase masculine \Ordptmasc{counter} --> ordinals in capitalized masculine \ORDPTMASC{counter} --> ordinals in uppercase masculine \ordptfem{counter} --> ordinals in lowercase feminine \Ordptfem{counter} --> ordinals in capitalized feminine \ORDPTFEM{counter} --> ordinals in uppercase feminine PACKAGE OPTIONS =============== In Portuguese, both `und\'ecimo' and `d\'ecimo primeiro' (for 11th) `duod\'ecimo' and `d\'ecimo segundo' (for 12th) `tred\'ecimo' and `d\'ecimo terceiro' (for 13th) `tricent\'esimo' and `trecent\'esimo' (for 300th) `sexcent\'esimo' and `seiscent\'esimo' (for 600th) `noningent\'esimo' and `nongent\'esimo' (for 900th) are correct forms for ordinals. It is common to find the shorter forms for 11th and 12th, but a bit harder to find to shorter form for 13th. If this later is used, then all 11th up to 13th should be in shorter forms. So there are the options to set the output for resp. for 11th, 12th and 13th 11-12-curtos (default) -> und\'ecimo, duod\'ecimo, d\'ecimo terceiro 11-13-curtos -> und\'ecimo, duod\'ecimo, tred\'ecimo 11-13-longos -> d\'ecimo primeiro, d\'ecimo segundo, d\'ecimo terceiro To choose ordinals 300th, 600th and 900th, use tricentesimo (default) or trecentesimo sexcentesimo (default) or seiscentesimo noningentesimo (default) or nongentesimo
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ordinalpt – Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
The package provides a counter style (like \arabic, \alph and others) which produces as output strings like “primeiro” (“first” in Portuguese), “segundo” (second), and so on up to 1999th. Separate counter commands are provided for different letter case variants, and for masculine and feminine gender inflections.
Package | ordinalpt |
Version | 2.1 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 2007 Miguel V. S. Frasson |
Maintainer | Miguel Vinícius Santini Frasson |
Contained in | TeX Live as ordinalpt MiKTeX as ordinalpt |
Topics | Numbers Portuguese |