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Directory macros/latex/contrib/newvbtm

newvbtm (v1.1): The package for your own verbatim-like environments
		containing two style files;
    newvbtm.sty:    To define your own verbatim-like environments
    varvbtm.sty:    To make some variants of verbatim

[How to "make"]

  % tex newvbtm.ins	# you'll have pfnote.sty, fnpos.sty, dblfnote.sty 
			# and newvbtm-man.tex
# to have user's manual  
  % latex newvbtm-man
  % makeindex -s gind.ist -o newvbtm-man.ind newvbtm-man.idx
  % latex newvbtm-man

# to have implementation document
  % latex newvbtm.dtx
  % makeindex -s gind.ist -o newvbtm.ind newvbtm.idx
  % makeindex -s gglo.ist -o newvbtm.gls newvbtm.glo
  % latex newvbtm.dtx


+ newvbtm.sty gives you \(re)newverbatim command to define your own
  verbatim-like environment.

+ varvbtm.sty defines macros for;
    - tab emulation
    - form-feed character handling
    - non-verbatim stuff insertion in verbatim-like environment
    - verbatim input file

+ A small bug causing trouble with LaTeX 2.09 is fixed in v1.1.


Hiroshi Nakashima <nakasima@tutics.tut.ac.jp>

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (80.9k).

newvbtm – Define your own verbatim-like environment

Defines general purpose macro named \newverbatim to define your own verbatim-like environment. It also has a supplementary style file varvbtm.sty to provide set of macros for variants of verbatim, such as tab emulation.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1999 Hiroshi Nakashima
MaintainerHiroshi Nakashima (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as newvbtm
MiKTeX as newvbtm
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