CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/nameauth


1 Short Description

The nameauth package automates the correct formatting and indexing of names for professional writing. This aids the use of a name authority and the editing process without needing to retype name instances.

2 Installing a Distro Package

One can find nameauth in one's current distribution. See the appropriate documentation in live, Mik, Mac, Linux distro, BSD, etc. Use those tools to ensure that nameauth is installed. You are done.

3 Obtaining from CTAN

3.1 Getting the Package Archive

If not using the tools above, one can download nameauth.zip from CTAN. After downloading, unpack nameauth.zip in an appropriate directory. Change to the directory containing the supplied files. The following files are included in the archive that is uploaded to CTAN:

Filename Description
Makefile for use with GNU make
cat01.pdf manual illustration, ch. 7
beamer01.pdf manual illustration, ch. 9
beamer02.pdf manual illustration, ch. 9
beamer03.pdf manual illustration, ch. 9
nameauth.dtx commented macro file
compat.tex compatibility module
examples.tex example file
README.md this file
nameauth.pdf package documentation

3.2 Determining the Installation type

3.2.1 Read Makefile First

Makefile has an extensive comment on usage, as well as other helpful comments. It lists all required programs needed to use the GNU make file for installation in a POSIX-compliant environment, such as GNU/Linux, various BSDs, MacOS, and WSL or Cygwin on Windows.

Minimum required programs include bash or an equivalent shell (for which one must edit Makefile), and make, plus a distribution. To distribute the package, one also requires at least sed, and zip.

3.2.2 POSIX Cases

If one is using a distribution in a POSIX environment (MacOS, Linux distro, BSD, etc.) and has the required programs listed in Makefile, one may do one of the following:

  1. Use GNU make to build and install. Section 4.1
  1. Build and install manually. Section 4.2

3.2.3 Windows Cases

Windows offers the largest number of possibilities:

  • Cygwin offers a POSIX environment and its own distribution. Avoid installing another distro via WSL or Windows native. Section 4.1
  • WSL offers a POSIX environment and its own distribution. Avoid installing another distro via Cygwin or Windows native. Section 4.1
  • Use make within either Cygwin or WSL to build this package for native Windows distributions Mik or live. Install needed build components in either Cygwin or WSL, alongside either Mik or live, but not both distros. Avoid installing another distro in either Cygwin or WSL.
* One can use `make` to build this package. **Section 4.1.1**
* Installation must be manual. **Section 4.2.2**
  • Directly using native Windows distributions (Mik or live)
All building and installation must be manual. **Section 4.2**
  • Other POSIX environments running under DOS, Windows, and other systems have not been tested and are not supported.
  • Makefile contains tests that will mitigate some issues:
* If a `.exe` extension is needed by programs used in the building process, that is detected automatically.
* If `ltxfileinfo` does not exist, the make process will produce a zip file that avoids potential problems in Windows.
* If `dvipdf` from Ghostscript is installed, the make process will use that. Otherwise it will fall back to `dvipdfmx`.
* If `pdfjam` is installed, the make process uses it. Otherwise, it will instruct the user to proceed manually. **Section 6.2.3**
* When installing, the make process will check if the path to the install directory exists. If it does not, it will produce an error message and exit.
If this error message occurs, which is more likely in Windows, please refer to installation of local packages in MikTeX [here](https://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html#id573803) and [here](https://miktex.org/kb/texmf-roots). Otherwise see the [TeX FAQ](https://www.texfaq.org/FAQ-privinst) and [this page](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Installing_Extra_Packages).

Here is a table showing the feasibility of a few scenarios. Any case that is not mentioned below has not been tested and is not recommended.

Build Env. Distro Platform Make builds pkg/zip Make installs package
Cygwin Cygwin (packages) Not tested; likely1 Not tested; likely 2
Cygwin Mik (Windows) Yes1, 3 No;4 do manually
Cygwin live (Windows) Not tested; likely1 Not tested; do manually
WSL WSL Linux packages Yes1 Yes5
WSL Mik (Windows) Yes1, 3 No;4 do manually
WSL live (Windows) Not tested; likely1 Not tested; do manually

All dependencies must be met. Bear in mind possible MacOS issues.2

Installs only to Cygwin environment; not to Windows environment.3

The make images target using pdfjam likely will not work as desired. Section 6.2.3 Images4

Neither ltxfileinfo nor kpsewhich will give useful results; do a manual install.5

Installs only to WSL Linux distro environment; not to Windows environment.

4 Building and Installing

Regarding command line options longer than one letter, the programs included with major distributions, except for pdfjam, use either single dashes or GNU-style double dashes.

Here, for the sake of consistency, we use the GNU convention of single dashes with one-letter options and double dashes for longer options.

4.1 GNU make for Building and Installation

4.1.1 Build

In the directory where the files unpacked from the zip archive are located, type make. This will do a fresh build of the package using pdflatex. To add more options, use, e.g.: make ADDOPTS="--synctex=1".

There is a make target, make unpack, that does not build the package. It only regenerates files from nameauth.dtx.

4.1.2 Install

Currently, Makefile only installs into POSIX environments.

For individual use, one must have a TDS-compliant tree set up in order for installation to work. For more info in setting up those trees, see Section 4.2.3 for the individual case and Section 4.2.4 for the site-wide case.

For site-wide use, one must be able to get root privileges via sudo.

  • Type make inst to install the package files in the user's personal TDS-compliant directory tree.
  • Type make install to install the package files in the site-wide, local TDS-compliant directory tree. The user will be prompted for the sudo password.

4.1.3 Remove

The same constraints that apply to installation also apply to removal. If one can do the former, one can do the latter.

  • Type make uninst to remove the package files in the user's personal TDS-compliant directory tree.
  • Type make uninstall to remove the package files in the site-wide, local TDS-compliant directory tree. The user will be prompted for the sudo password.

The approach of Makefile is not to get too aggressive with deletions from the texmf tree, just in case. One may see harmless, extra, empty directories after removal. One can delete them manually.

4.2 Manual Building and Installation

Unlike the case with the supplied Makefile, which automates adding extensions, in certain cases using Windows distros, one may have to add the ".exe" extension to the programs.

4.2.1 Build

  1. Using the unpacked files from the zip archive, we begin by creating the installation driver, unpacking additional files from nameauth.dtx, and generating a copy of the documentation without the table of contents and cross-references:
    pdflatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=batchmode nameauth.dtx
a. We see the following main files:
`Makefile`, `cat01.pdf`, `beamer01.pdf`, `beamer02.pdf`, `beamer03.pdf`, `nameauth.dtx`, `compat.tex`, `examples.tex`, `nameauth.pdf`, `README.md`, `nameauth.ins`, and `nameauth.sty`.
b. We also see the following temporary files:
`nameauth.aux`, `nameauth.fls`, `nameauth.glo`, `nameauth.hd`, `nameauth.idx`, `nameauth.log`, `nameauth.out`, `nameauth.tmp`, and `nameauth.toc`.
  1. Generate the TOC and cross-references within the documentation:
    pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode nameauth.dtx
  1. Generate the index and glossary files using makeindex:
    makeindex -q -s gglo.ist -o nameauth.gls nameauth.glo
    makeindex -q -s gind.ist -o nameauth.ind nameauth.idx
This adds three files: `nameauth.gls`, `nameauth.ilg`, and `nameauth.ind`.
  1. Integrate the glossary (list of changes) and index into the documentation. The second run updates the TOC:
    pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode nameauth.dtx
    pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode nameauth.dtx
The list of files now looks like:
Filename Description
Makefile for use with GNU make
cat01.pdf manual illustration, ch. 7
beamer01.pdf manual illustration, ch. 9
beamer02.pdf manual illustration, ch. 9
beamer03.pdf manual illustration, ch. 9
nameauth.dtx commented style file
compat.tex compatibility module
examples.tex example file
nameauth.pdf package documentation
README.md this file
nameauth.ins installation driver
nameauth.sty style file
nameauth.aux auxiliary file
nameauth.fls shows files read
nameauth.glo raw glossary entries
nameauth.idx raw index entries
nameauth.log log file
nameauth.out pdf bookmark/hypertext info
nameauth.tmp temp file used with fancyvrb
nameauth.toc table of contents info
manhook.tmp snippet with manual's fmt
nullhook.tmp snippet with default format
nameauth.gls typeset glossary entries
nameauth.ilg makeindex log file
nameauth.ind typeset index entries

4.2.2 General Install Info

In order to perform manual installation, one should be familiar with the general information at the FAQ.

Different distributions have somewhat different ways to store TDS-compliant configuration and package data. See, for example, for Mik here and here. Otherwise see the FAQ and this page.

The instructions below conform generally to a Unix-like system. There are some cases under Windows where this method may not work. For other non-POSIX systems, one will have to know the appropriate procedures and documentation as needed for those cases, which are not covered here.

The user must already have a TDS-compliant tree set up in order for installation to work. We assume that one knows how to become superuser, create directories, move files, and the like.

4.2.3 Install for a User

TEXMFHOME is an environment (shell) variable that points to the root of a TDS-compliant directory tree available to a user. To get its value on POSIX-compliant systems, use:

  • kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME

Quite often, $TEXMFHOME is equivalent to $HOME/texmf. The dollar sign in front of the variable denotes the value of the variable instead of its name. If $HOME is /home/bob, then $TEXMFHOME would be /home/bob/texmf. We can understand the following paths to be under this home directory.

Path Files
$TEXMFHOME/source/latex/nameauth Makefile
$TEXMFHOME/doc/latex/nameauth compat.tex
$TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/nameauth nameauth.sty

Create the directories in the left-hand column, or the equivalent. For manual installation, move or copy the files in the right-hand column to their respective directories in the left-hand column. On older distributions, run mktexlsr on $TEXMFHOME to complete the install process (current distributions may not need this).

4.2.4 Install Site-Wide

TEXMFLOCAL is a variable that points to the root of a TDS-compliant directory tree available to all users on a local site, system-wide installation. To get its value, use:

  • kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL

See the FAQ. We can understand the following paths to be under this local site, system-wide directory:

Path Files
$TEXMFLOCAL/source/latex/nameauth Makefile
$TEXMFLOCAL/doc/latex/nameauth compat.tex
$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex/nameauth nameauth.sty

Create the directories in the left-hand column. For manual installation, move or copy the files in the right-hand column to their respective directories in the left-hand column. Change file ownership as needed. If needed, run mktexlsr with the appropriate permissions on $TEXMFLOCAL to complete the install process. See also the discussion on this page.

5 More on Package Building

  • The package and manual build on current and older distributions, being designed with that in mind.
  • The documentation is built only with pdflatex for the sake of its design elements. The examples and tests can be built with any engine.
  • This release was tested on Linux (Pop! OS; vanilla TL, both current and 2017) and Windows 10 (Mik using shells from both Cygwin and WSL). Using TL 2017, this release was tested on the full manuscript of the published volume, Breath of God, Yet Work of Man: Scripture, Philosophy, Dialogue, and Conflict, with Dr. Albert B. Collver III.
  • The CTAN release was created with the current vanilla TL on Pop! OS. See also this page for Debian-based systems. For Arch-based systems, the AUR has a package that takes care of dependencies.
  • live versions are managed on Pop! OS using tl-switch.
  • Four pdf files (cat01.pdf and beamer*.pdf) used in graphic illustrations are created from the output of test files associated with this manual (see below). Normally, the user need not generate them; they are supplied as source files.

6 Examples / Testing

The file examples.tex also includes compat.tex; they should be in the same directory when compiled. The examples document should be enough to illustrate various non-trivial features of this package. It includes most of the longer examples in the manual, edited to fit together in a single document. It also includes other material and tests.

In addition to this file, a special run of nameauth.dtx that defines the macro \NameauthDoTestFiles will generate many separate test files. They are not included in the package archive by default.

To test nameauth, either test the files right after installing, or create a new testing directory. One then can copy the files from the TDS-compliant source dir and optionally, the documentation directory as well, or unpack the CTAN zip file into the test directory and build the package.

6.1 Using GNU make

6.1.1 Examples

  • Use the default: make examples.
  • If one wants to change engines and re-test the file, type make exclean.
  • To create examples.pdf with other engines, one can do the following:
    make examples ENGINE=xelatex
    make examples ENGINE=lualatex
    make examples ENGINE=dvilualatex
    make examples ENGINE=latex
  • To add more options, use, e.g.:
    make examples ADDOPTS="--synctex=1"

6.1.2 Tests

This will produce many test files numbered by chapter and example within that chapter from the nameauth.dtx file. By default it will compile all of the test files using pdflatex.

  • To generate test files, type make tests.
  • If one wants to change engines and re-test the files, type make testclean.
  • One can add the value of ENGINE:
    make tests ENGINE=xelatex
    make tests ENGINE=lualatex
    make tests ENGINE=dvilualatex
    make tests ENGINE=latex
  • To add more options, use, e.g.:
    make tests ADDOPTS="--synctex=1"

6.1.3 Manual Illustrations

Four manual illustrations are based on included tests. If, for some reason, one wanted to create those illustrations (usually not required), one would type make images.

6.2 Manual Method

6.2.1 Examples

  • Compile examples.tex.
In the following command lines, one may substitute `latex`, `xelatex`, `lualatex`, and `dvilualatex` for `pdflatex`.
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
    makeindex -o examples.ind examples.idx
  • This next line is needed because the index package makes an index of persons.
    makeindex -o examples.rnd examples.rdx
  • These lines complete the indexes and TOC.
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
  • Another step is used only with latex and dvilualatex.
We default to `dvipdfmx` in case Ghostscript is not installed. If Ghostscript is already installed, one can use `dvipdf` instead. If a file `examples.out.ps` exists, one may delete it after creating the pdf file.
    dvipdfmx examples

If one changes engines, one first must remove all of the auxiliary files.

6.2.2 Tests

  • Generate the test files in the following manner from the dtx:
    pdflatex "\def\NameauthDoTestFiles{}\input{nameauth.dtx}"
  • Compile the test files.
In the following command lines, one may substitute `latex`, `xelatex`, `lualatex`, and `dvilualatex` for `pdflatex`. One must change the root or base file name for each test file.
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test01-01
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test01-01
    makeindex -o test01-01.ind test01-01.idx
  • This next line is needed only for test07-01.tex because the index package is used for an index of persons.
    makeindex -o test07-01.rnd test07-01.rdx
  • These lines complete the indexes and TOC.
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test01-01
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test01-01
  • This step is used only when using latex and dvilualatex.
    dvipdfmx test01-01

If one changes engines, one first must remove all of the auxiliary files.

6.2.3 Images

Four manual illustrations are based on included tests. If, for some reason, one wanted to make the manual illustrations (usually not required), this would be the default procedure:

  • Generate the test files in the following manner from the dtx:
    pdflatex "\def\NameauthDoTestFiles{}\input{nameauth.dtx}"
  • Compile the test files:
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test07-02
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test07-02
    makeindex -o test07-02.ind test07-02.idx
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test07-02
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test07-02
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test09-01
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test09-01
    makeindex -o test09-01.ind test09-01.idx
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test09-01
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode test09-01
  • Split and convert the files. If pdfjam is not available, one would have to use other programs to do this.
    pdfjam --paper a6paper --landscape --quiet test07_02.pdf 3 --outfile cat01.pdf
    pdfjam --paper a5paper --landscape --quiet test09_01.pdf 1 --outfile beamer01.pdf
    pdfjam --paper a5paper --landscape --quiet test09_01.pdf 2 --outfile beamer02.pdf
    pdfjam --paper a5paper --landscape --quiet test09_01.pdf 3 --outfile beamer03.pdf

7 Additional Notes

Starting from version 4.0 we switched from xargs and suffix to xparse. Should any modifications still require xargs and suffix, one can use the oldargs package option.

Version 3.7 remains here: style, docs, and source.

8 Copyright

Copyright (C) 2025 by Charles P. Schaum <charlesdotschaum@comcast.net>

This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in:


and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work includes all source and generated files described as such in this file, README.md.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.0M).

nameauth – Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index

Publications that reference many names require editors and proofreaders to track those names in text and index. The package offers name authority macros that allow authors and compilers to normalize occurrences of names, variant name forms, and pen names in text and index. This may help minimize writing and production time and cost.

Version4.1 2025-02-04
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2011–2025 Charles P. Schaum
MaintainerCharles P. Schaum
Contained inTeX Live as nameauth
MiKTeX as nameauth
Editorial consistency
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