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Directory macros/latex/contrib/morefloats

README for morefloats package, 2025-01-28, v1.1a


1 Introduction
2 Download
3 Installation
4 Additional Packages
5 Package Compatibility
6 Authors/Maintainer
7 Bug Reports
8 Known Problems


The limit of unprocessed floats, 18, can be increased with this
morefloats package. Otherwise, \clear(double)page, h(!), H from the
float package, or \FloatBarrier from the picins package might help.

If e-TeX is available, the number of registers allocated
in the format to hold floats such as figures is already
increased from 18 to 52.

Note: The original main code of this package
(without \extrafloats from LaTeX 2015) was invented by
Don Hosek, Quixote, 1990-07-27 (Thanks!).
Maintenance has been taken over in September 2010 by H.-Martin Münch.
The extended allocation system introduced in
2015-01-01 means that in most cases it is no longer
necessary to load the etex package. Many classes and
packages that previously loaded this package no longer
do so. Unfortunately in some circumstances where a
package or class previously used the etex
\reserveinserts command, it is possible for a
document that previously worked to generate an error
"no room for a new insert". In practice this error can
always be avoided by declaring inserts earlier, before
the registers below 256 are all allocated. However, it is
better not to require packages to be re-ordered and in
some cases the re-ordering is complicated due to
delayed allocations in \AtBeginDocument.
In this release, a new implementation of \newinsert
is used which allocates inserts from the previously
allocated float lists once the classical register allocation
has run out. This allows an extra 52 (or in LuaTEX,
64 thousand) insert allocations which is more than
enough for practical documents (by default, LATEX only
uses two insert allocations).

This material is published under the LPPL 1.3c: This work may be
distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option)
any later version. This version of this license is in
and the latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
LaTeX version 2005-12-01 or later.


"morefloats" is available on CTAN:

Also a ZIP file is provided that contains the files:
the manual (morefloats.pdf), the example (morefloats-example.tex),
the compiled example (morefloats-example.pdf),
driver (morefloats.drv), morefloats.dtx,
installation file (morefloats.ins), 
the style file (morefloats.sty),
and this README, already sorted in a TDS tree:


Installation with ZIP file in TDS format
The ZIP file "morefloats.tds.zip" contains the files
sorted in a TDS tree. Thus you can directly unpack the
ZIP file inside a TDS tree.
See https://www.ctan.org/TDS-guidelines for an explanation
of TDS.
  cd /...somewhere.../texmf
  unzip /...downloadpath.../morefloats.tds.zip
Do not forget to refresh the file name database of this
TDS tree.
  texhash /...somewhere.../texmf

Manual installation
a) Download the morefloats files from CTAN.
   If necessary, unpack them.
b) Generate the package and driver files:
     tex morefloats.dtx
c) Install the file "morefloats.sty" in your TDS tree:
     cp morefloats.sty TDS:tex/latex/morefloats/
   Replace "TDS:" by the prefix of your TDS tree
   (texmf directory).
d) Create the documentation, if necessary, e.g.
     pdflatex morefloats.dtx
     makeindex -s gind.ist morefloats.idx
     pdflatex morefloats.dtx
     makeindex -s gind.ist morefloats.idx
     pdflatex morefloats.dtx
e) Update the databases if necessary, e.g. for TeXLive
     texhash or mktexlsr.
f) Create the morefloats-example.pdf, if necessary, e.g.
     pdflatex morefloats-example.tex
     pdflatex morefloats-example.tex
     pdflatex morefloats-example.tex
g) Copy the documentation files to
   README, morefloats.pdf, morefloats-example.tex,


morefloats itself loads the kvoptions package:
which again loads other packages
(see the result of the \listfiles command in the log-file
 of the example).
When an old LaTeX format is used, additionally the 
package is used.


There are no known incompatibilities.


* Author of the original main code:
   Don Hosek, Quixote, 1990-07-27 (Thanks!)
* Author of the recent package and current maintainer:
   H.-Martin Münch


A bug report should contain:
* Comprehensive problem description. This includes error or
  warning messages.
* \errorcontextlines=\maxdimen can be added in the
  TeX code to get more information in TeX error messages.
* Minimal test file that shows the problem,
  but does not contain any unnecessary packages and code.
* Used drivers/programs.
* Version information about used packages and programs.
* If you are using LaTeX, then add "\listfiles" to the document.
  Then a list of version information is printed at the end
  of the LaTeX run.
* Please no other files than the minimal test file.
  The other files .log, .dvi, .ps, .pdf are seldom
  necessary, so send them only on request.
* Please .zip or .tar.gz your file(s) before sending them!

Bug address
Bug reports can be send to the maintainer:
  H.-Martin Münch <Martin [dot] Muench [at] Uni-Bonn [dot] de>


* If you request too many floats, (La)TeX will run out of
  memory. When testing, this happened when requesting
  more than 1570 (!) floats.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (496.6k).

morefloats – Increase the number of simultaneous floats

can, by default, only cope with 18 outstanding floats; any more, and you get the error “too many unprocessed floats”. This package releases the limit; itself imposes limits (which are independent of the help offered by e-).

However, if your floats can’t be placed anywhere, extending the number of floats merely delays the arrival of the inevitable error message.

Version1.1a 2025-02-28
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2010–2025 H.-Martin Münch
MaintainerHans-Martin Münch
Don Hosek (inactive)
TDS archivemorefloats.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as morefloats
MiKTeX as morefloats
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