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Directory macros/latex/contrib/mkstmpdad


The mkstmpdad Bundle: The mkstmppro and aebdad Packages Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2016/10/26

This bundle contains two related packages: mkstmppro and aebdad. These use Adobe Distiller as the PDF creator, and Adobe Acrobat as well.

  1. mkstmppro: Is a simple workflow for creating custom stamps, that Acrobat uses for commenting.
  2. aebdad: This package uses stamps (created by mkstmppro) build a Drag and Drop Matching (Game). The end user may drag and drop stamps onto target push buttons. If the stamp is dropped onto the wrong button, an alert box appears announcing "Wrong!", and the stamp is returned to its original place; if the stamp is dropped on the correct button, the alert box announces "Right!". This is as close to DAD (Drag and Drop) as we can get in PDF.
Users of Adobe Acrobat can, of course, enjoy DAD Matching, but more 
importantly, users of Adobe Reader XI (version 11) or later can too! One 
of the splendid features of ARXI is it enables full support for 
commenting (and for saving fill-in form fields). Previous versions of AR, 
users could view stamps and view the associated comments, but could not 
move the stamps around on the page. With version 11, you can now move 
stamps (and other comments) around; this feature was the inspiration for 
DAD Matching (the aeb_dad package). 


Now, I must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story dpstory at acrotex dot net

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1009.9k).

aeb_dad – A drag-and-drop matching game with PDF files

The package is used to create a DAD (Drag and Drop) Matching Game that uses stamps and push buttons. DAD Matching works in any version of Acrobat, and in Adobe Reader XI; it can use the stamps created by the mkstmp_pro.

Version1.2b 2016-10-26
LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
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