CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/mdframed

Working with the command \fbox or \fcolorbox, one has to
handle page breaks by hand. The present package defines the
environment mdframed which automatically deals with page breaks.

Author's name: Marco Daniel and Elke Schubert (supports tikz implementation)
License type: lppl

The revision history is printed in the documentation.

The current development is available at github:

The package provides
 * one dtx files,
 * one Makefile (compiling for Linux/Mac),
 * one mdframedmake.bat (compiling for Windows)
 * one personal documentclass ltxmdf.cls
 * one example picture donald-duck.jpg

By running the script `make all` you will
produce the following files:
- README.txt
- mdframed.sty
- mdframed.pdf
- md-frame-0.mdf
- md-frame-1.mdf
- md-frame-2.mdf
- md-frame-3.mdf
- mdframed-example-default.tex
- mdframed-example-default.pdf
- mdframed-example-tikz.tex
- mdframed-example-tikz.pdf
- mdframed-example-pstricks.tex
- mdframed-example-pstricks.pdf
- mdframed-example-texsx.tex
- mdframed-example-texsx.pdf

I recommend the following installation in your texmf-tree:

- README.txt
- mdframed.pdf
- mdframed-example-default.tex
- mdframed-example-default.pdf
- mdframed-example-tikz.tex
- mdframed-example-tikz.pdf
- mdframed-example-pstricks.tex
- mdframed-example-pstricks.pdf
- mdframed-example-texsx.tex
- mdframed-example-texsx.pdf
- ctan-lion.png "CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby; thanks to www.ctan.org".

- Makefile
- mdframed.dtx

- mdframed.sty
- md-frame-0.mdf
- md-frame-1.mdf
- md-frame-2.mdf
- md-frame-3.mdf
- ltxmdf.cls

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.8M).

mdframed – Framed environments that can split at page boundaries

The package develops the facilities of framed in providing breakable framed and coloured boxes.

The user may instruct the package to perform its operations using default commands, PStricks or TikZ.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2010 Marco Daniel
MaintainerMarco Daniel
Elke Schubert
TDS archivemdframed.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as mdframed
MiKTeX as mdframed
TopicsBox breaking
See alsoframed
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