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Directory macros/latex/contrib/koi8

                    PACKAGES KOI8 AND RAWPRINT

                        September 24, 1996

These packages are intended for typesetting Russian texts. 

1. Package koi8 (written by Uri Blumenthal <uri@watson.ibm.com> with
minor modifications by Boris Veytsman <boris@plmsc.psu.edu>).

It performs internal translation from the KOI-8 encoding (de-facto
standard of the UNIX world) to the so called ``alternative encoding''
used by most Cyrillic packages. You still need one of these packages
for the acual Russian typesetting. The style works with all major
Cyrillic packages: cmcyr, cmcyralt, LH. The usage is very simple:

In LaTeX2e

In LaTeX2.09

Substitute cmcyr or cmcyralt for lh if you use these packages.

2. Package rawprint 

This package is intended for ``quick and dirty'' printing of raw
(i.e. non-TeX) Russian texts by persons who (like me) do not have
Russian printer fonts (but have Cyrillic TeX). It makes #, $, % and &
``normal'' letters and converts the ``unisex'' quote character " into
Russian-style << and >> quotes. The usage (in LaTeX2e) is:



and the LaTeX2.09 usage should be quite obvious.

Please note that making % a letter is a rather drastic solution. Since
most LaTeX style files have some comments delimited by the percent
signs, the package rawprint must be invoked as the LAST one. The line
\usepackage{rawprint,lh} will cause you lots of grief.

Happy LaTeXing in Russian!

                Boris Veytsman <boris@plmsc.psu.edu>

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (3.0k).

koi8 – KOI-8 input support

A package to perform internal translation from the KOI-8 encoding (de-facto standard of the Russian Unix world) to the “alternative encoding” used by most (pre-UTF-8) Cyrillic packages. You still need one of these packages for the actual Russian typesetting. The style works with all major Cyrillic packages, including cmcyr, cmcyralt, LH.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerUri Blumenthal
TopicsEncoding juggle
See alsorawprint
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