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Directory macros/latex/contrib/keytheorems



A package to use amsthm with a key-value interface. Provides most of the functionality of thmtools (and a bit more!) but written in expl3. If you find a bug please open an issue or pull request.

The package is maintained by Matthew Bertucci.

Sample document


    % <insert options>


\section{Some theorems}

    note=Strong Bertini over $\mathbb{C}$,
Let $X$ be a smooth complex variety and let $\mathfrak{D}$ be a positive
dimensional linear system on $X$. Then the general element of $\mathfrak{D}$ is
smooth away from the base locus $B_{\mathfrak{D}}$. That is, the set
    \[\{H\in\mathfrak{D}\mid D_H \text{ is smooth away from } B_{\mathfrak{D}}\}\]
is a Zariski dense open subset of $\mathfrak{D}$.

In fact, \autoref{strongbertini} holds over any algebraically closed field of
characteristic zero.

\begin{theorem}[Bertini over any field]
Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}_k^n$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$.
Then the set of hyperplanes $H\subseteq\mathbb{P}_k^n$ such that $X\cap H$ is
smooth is a Zariski dense open subset of $(\mathbb{P}_k^n)^*$.


%%% compare with
%\listofkeytheorems[print-body] % needs 'store-all' package option



There is a list of commands and keys offered by the package here. More of a reference document than documentation.

Differences with thmtools

Some of the code is a direct translation from thmtools but a few things are changed:

  • The only backend supported is amsthm, and it is loaded by the package. As I understand it, ntheorem has quite a few bugs and no active development, and if you're just using the kernel \newtheorem then you don't need a package like this.
  • Theorem hooks use the kernel hooks. Thus unlike the prefoot and postfoot hooks of thmtools, all code chunks are added to hooks in the order declared (unless given a distinct label; then the chunks are reversed). The order of generic/specific hooks remains the same. Furthermore, the command for adding to theorem hooks is \addtotheoremhook{<hook name>}{<theorem name>}.
  • thmtools changes some style settings to be default that are different from amsthm defaults, but only if a custom style is called. Example:
  • \declaretheoremstyle[spaceabove=20pt]{mythmsty}
  • is different from just
  • \declaretheorem{mythm}
  • as in the former, bodyfont is \normalfont, not the default \itshape. This package keeps the defaults unless a key is specifically given.
  • There is no restatable(*) environment except with package option thmtools-compat. Use the store (alias restate) key. For counters and labels pointing to the restated theorem, use store* (alias restate*).
  • Rather than restate=foo defining a command \foo*, theorems are retrieved with \getkeytheorem{foo}. For just the theorem body, use \getkeytheorem[body]{foo}. Also, this retrieval can happen even before the theorem is stated since keytheorems writes the contents to a file.
  • The shaded and thmbox keys are only available with the package option thmtools-compat, and they are emulated with tcolorbox. Instead there's an interface to tcolorbox with the tcolorbox={<options>} and tcolorbox-no-titlebar={<options>} key. The mdframed key is not implemented.
  • You can reuse styles with the inherit-style key.
  • With thmtools, the command \newtheorem{<envname>}{<heading>} is changed to behave like \declaretheorem[name=<heading>]{<envname>}. This is not the default here. Instead either only use the new interface or load the package with option overload.
  • Adds several new keys (see doc for details).

thmtools issues resolved by keytheorems

Issues from the thmtools github page, with corresponding keytheorems code that shows the issue resolved.

listoftheorems: filter out restated ones #7

keytheorems does not list restated theorems in the \listofkeytheorems.








listoftheorems: hide title #8

keytheorems provides the no-title key.




some axiom

some theorem

another axiom

another theorem


Case in point: the tcolorbox key #9

keytheorems provides the tcolorbox and tcolorbox-no-titlebar keys.




some theorem

some corollary


thm-listof: document thmtformatoptarg, new list option? #14

keytheorems provides the note-code key for \listofkeytheorems and \keytheoremlistset.




\begin{theorem}[my heading]
some theorem

\listofkeytheorems[note-code={ [\textit{#1}]}]


Style inheritance in thmtools #15

keytheorems provides the inherit-style key.




\begin{theorem}[my heading]
some theorem

\begin{corollary}[my heading]
some corollary


Restate without theorem headings (head + note) #19

Use \getkeytheorem[body]{foo}.








Option clash: numbered=no and thmbox #25

Fixed with keytheorem's implementation of the thmbox key with thmtools-compat.


\declaretheorem[numbered=no, name=TheoremA,         ]{mytheo1}
\declaretheorem[             name=TheoremB, thmbox=M]{mytheo2}
\declaretheorem[numbered=no, name=TheoremC, thmbox=M]{mytheo3}






Skip the title of the theorem but leave the . #30

Fixed in keytheorems.








too much space with restatable #40

Fixed in keytheorems.









restate key with no name leads to (,) in restated title #41

Fixed in keytheorems.









Help Wanted Print all Theorems? #43

Use the store-all load-time option with \listofkeytheorems[print-body].




some theorem

some lemma



qed option without value fails in declaretheoremstyle #47

Fixed in keytheorems.






prefoot and postfoot hooks called twice with restate key #54

Fixed in keytheorems.





body text

body text


beamer theorem syntax not fully supported #57

Fixed in keytheorems.




first text
second text
third text

% Compare:

first text
second text
third text


restate key incompatible with beamer #58







Notes/issues on thmtools, not on Github

continues with unless unique and restate

Should this be numbered or not?


\declaretheorem[numbered=unless unique]{theorem}





It does the correct thing when a parent counter is given and is split across that counter.


\declaretheorem[numbered=unless unique,parent=section]{theorem}






Also adds a number if restated, which seems wrong.


\declaretheorem[numbered=unless unique]{theorem}





qed in both \declaretheoremstyle and \declaretheorem

One would expect the one in \declaretheorem to overwrite, but because the code just adds to the hooks without checking, it's additive.






restate incompatible with thmbox







adding to listoftheorems doesn't work as expected





\addcontentsline{loe}{section}{some text}




new theorem styles do not preserve "plain" keys

With keytheorems, this is handled only for the AMS classes and acmart.







Things to do

  • Clean up the code. Things are out of order, poorly named, etc.
  • For a complete list, see keytheorems-ideas.md


Released under the Project Public License v1.3c or later. See https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (182.7k).

keytheorems – An l3keys interface to amsthm

An expl3-implementation of a key-value interface to amsthm, implementing most of the functionality provided by thmtools. Several issues encountered with thmtools are avoided (see the README for a list) and a few new features are added.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/mbertucci47/keytheorems/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
MaintainerMatthew Bertucci
Contained inTeX Live as keytheorems
MiKTeX as keytheorems
TopicsExperimental 3
Maths theorem
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