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Directory macros/latex/contrib/grundgesetze

grundgesetze.sty - a LaTeX2e package for typesetting
Gottlob Frege's concept-script in the style of his 
Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Basic Laws of Arithmetic)

See the file grundgesetze.pdf for information on how to access 
to these symbols from LaTeX.

The file grundgesetze.sty is a derivative work of begriff.sty 
(Copyright (c) 2005 Josh Parsons, Richard G. Heck Jr.) and so, 
like it, is released under the GNU General Public License 
(version 2).
The remainder of this work is Copyright (c) 2008-2021 Richard
G. Heck Jr., J.J. Green, Agustin Rayo, and Marcus Rossberg.

Further information can be found at


Marcus Rossberg 2021

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (228.1k).

grundgesetze – Typeset Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik

The package defines maths mode commands for typesetting Gottlob Frege’s concept-script in the style of his “Grundgesetze der Arithmetik” (Basic Laws of Arithmetic).

Version1.03 2021-04-26
LicensesGNU General Public License, version 2
Copyright2003–2021 Josh Parsons, Marcus Rossberg, J.J. Green, Richard Kimberly Heck, Agustín Rayo
MaintainerMarcus Rossberg
Contained inTeX Live as grundgesetze
MiKTeX as grundgesetze
See alsobguq
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