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Directory macros/latex/contrib/gridslides


gridslides: package to create free form slides with blocks placed on a grid

This package allows to create free form slides with blocks placed on a grid. The blocks can be filled with text, equations, figures etc. This allows more flexible slides similar compared to beamer. Sequential unconvering of elements is supported. A compiler script is provided which compiles each slide separately, avoiding long compile times this way.


See the file example.tex and example.pdf. Each slide is compiled separately using compile.pl example.tex.

Supported commands

This package provides only a handful of commands, which allow to create slides and with blocks at fixed positions.


\begin{slide}{Slide title}
  Slide content

  Raw slide without title and style

  Define style which underlies all slides.
  Best used together with \bg{filename}!


Slide content blocks

The slide is divided in a 32x24 grid.

\txt(x,y){Text content}
\block(x,y,w){Arbitrary content}
\eq(x,y){a^2 + b^2 = c^2}

Sequential uncovering

Each slide can be split in multiple steps by defining blocks with <n-m> annotations.

\txt<1->(x,y){On slide step 1 to n}
\block<2>(x,y,w){Only on step 2}
  \block(x,y){Block content}


\author{Author}            defines \theauthor
\title{Presentation Title} defines \thetitle
\date{Date}                defines \thedate
\institute{Institute}      defines \theinstitute
\theheadline defined by slide title
\theslide defined by slide number


  • beamer
  • ffslides
  • prosper
  • pure tikz or pstricks


Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Mendler. The package is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 and the Project Public License 1.3 at your option.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (647.8k).

gridslides – Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid

This package allows creating free form slides with blocks placed on a grid. The blocks can be filled with text, equations, figures etc. The resulting slides are similar to the ones produced with beamer, but more flexible.

Sequential unconvering of elements is supported. A compiler script is provided which compiles each slide separately, this way avoiding long compile times.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/minad/gridslides/issues
Version0.1.1 2017-11-28
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
GNU General Public License, version 2
Copyright2017 Daniel Mendler
MaintainerDaniel Mendler
Contained inTeX Live as gridslides
MiKTeX as gridslides
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