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Directory macros/latex/contrib/grayhints


The grayhints Package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2018-11-01

This package provides JavaScript code snippets to create 'gray hints'. Gray hints, as I term them, are text that appears initially in a text field that gives a short hint as to what the contents of the text field should be; for example, a text field might contain the hint 'First Name', or a date field might read 'yyyy/mm/dd'. As soon as the field comes into focus, the hint disappears. It reappears when the field is blurred and the user did not enter any text into the field.

What's New (2018/11/01) Revised package to work correctly with PDF-XChange Editor (not PDF-XChange View). Improved code for handling the case where the user commits date by pressing the Enter key (the data is committed, but the field does not blur). Some commands for customizing the user experience in the case of pressing the Enter key to commit.

Dependent packages: (1) eforms (2017/02/27) to use the field fields of eforms. (2) insdljs (2017/03/02) a minimal requirement when using form fields defined by hyperref when calculation fields are used. (3) Hyperref form fields may be used without eforms or insdljs, but the gray hints for calculation fields will not appear.

Package works for dvips/Distiller, pdflatex, lualatex, and xelatex.

PDF Viewers: Adobe Reader DC, PDF-XChange Editor, and, of course Adobe Acrobat.


Now, I must get back to my retirement.

dps dpstory at uakron dot edu

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (504.0k).

grayhints – Produce ‘gray hints’ to a variable text field

The package provides JavaScript code snippets to create ‘gray hints’. Gray hints, as the author terms them, are text that appears initially in a text field that gives a short hint as to what the contents of the text field should be. For example, a text field might contain the hint ‘First Name’, or a date field might read ‘yyyy/mm/dd’. As soon as the field comes into focus, the hint disappears. It reappears when the field is blurred and the user did not enter any text into the field.

The package works for dvips/Distiller, pdf, Lua, and XeLaTeX.

Version 2018-11-01
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as grayhints
MiKTeX as grayhints
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