Directory macros/latex/contrib/graphicxbox
Then graphicxbox Package This is a short package that provides two new commands \graphicxbox and \fgraphicxbox, which are companion commands to \colorbox and \fcolorbox of color.dtx, by D. P. Carlisle. The \graphicxbox inserts a graphical image as a background rather than a background color, while \fgraphcxbox does the same thing, but also draws a colored frame around the box. The package is compatible with graphicxsp, for those who use Adobe Distiller as the PDF creator. Enjoy! Now, I must get back to my retirement. dps 2014/01/10
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (607.8k).
graphicxbox – Insert a graphical image as a background
The package defines two new commands \graphicxbox and \fgraphicxbox, which are companions to \colorbox and \fcolorbox of the Standard LaTeX color package. The \graphicxbox command inserts a graphical image as a background rather than a background color, while \fgraphicxbox does the same thing, but also draws a colored frame around the box.
Package | graphicxbox |
Version | 1.0 2014-01-10 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Donald P. Story (deceased) |
Contained in | TeX Live as graphicxbox MiKTeX as graphicxbox |
Topics | Graphics include Boxing |
See also | GraphicxSP color |