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Directory macros/latex/contrib/gitver


Git Version (version 1.3)

URL: https://github.com/charlesbaynham/gitver (c) Charles Baynham 2022

License: Project Public License 1.3c

This package will get a description of the current git version of this document and store it in a command \gitVer. If memoir or fancyhdr are in use, it will also add this to the document footers unless the option "noheader" is passed.

It also defines a command \versionBox{} which outputs a box containing the version and date of compilation

For this to work, you must have git installed and available on the command line, this document must be part of a git repository, and latex must be running in "shell escape" mode. This can be enabled by passing --shell-escape on the command line when compiling your docuemnt, or will be available in the options of whatever GUI you're using (try Googling).

Note that it's a good idea to tell git to ignore all the latex auxilary files, otherwise your version will always be "dirty". Try the .gitignore file from gitignore.io if you don't already have one.

The package is released 'as is' with no warranty under the Project Public License, version 1.3c.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (140.4k).

gitver – Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document

This package will get a description of the current git version of the document and store it in a command \gitVer. If memoir or fancyhdr are in use, it will also add this to the document footers unless the option “noheader” is passed.

The package also defines a command \versionBox which outputs a box containing the version and date of compilation.

The package requires hyperref, catchfile, pdftexcmds, and datetime.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/charlesbaynham/gitver/issues
Version1.4 2022-07-16
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2019–2022 Charles Baynham
MaintainerCharles Baynham
Contained inTeX Live as gitver
MiKTeX as gitver
TopicsDocument Management
Version control
Experimental 3
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