Directory macros/latex/contrib/flipbook
LICENSE LaTeX Project Public License INSTALL PROCEDURE Move the package (.sty file) to a latex search directory if you want to be able to use it from any directory. Ask you system administrator if you need help. NOTE The distribution contains a documentation, a package file and and an example file (which compiles as the documentation). * Build the documentation from the example file pdflatex documentation.tex REQUIREMENTS The package flipbook requires the following standard packages (but one could do without some of them) * fancyhdr; * graphicx; * verbatim; * scalefnt; * everypage; * ifthen; and LaTeX2e. The example file uses a few additional packages * xspace - smart spaces after words * url - urls
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (511.4k).
flipbook – Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents
The package provides techniques for adding flip book animations in the corner of your LaTeX documents (using images or ASCII art).
Animations are defined as a set of numbered files (e.g., "im1.pdf", "im2.pdf", "im3.pdf", …). The package relies on fancyhdr to control the corners.
Package | flipbook |
Version | 0.2 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 2011 Olivier Buffet |
Maintainer | Olivier Buffet |
Contained in | TeX Live as flipbook MiKTeX as flipbook |
Topics | Graphics use Graphics motion |