Directory macros/latex/contrib/etdipa
%% README.txt %% Copyright 2015 Simon M. Laube % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is S. M. Laube % % This work consists of the files listed in ./Help/files.txt %% The current version number of this template is v2.6 %% ENGLISH This directory and all its files provide a simple, lightweigt template for (small) scientific documentations. Just copy the whole directory to your working directory, then rename the diplomarbeit.tex file and directly start writing in that file. For further information, please read the guide in /Help/etdipa_doc_EN.pdf %% GERMAN Dieser Ordner und sein gesamter Inhalt bieten ein simples, einfach zu bedienendes LaTeX Template für Diplomarbeiten, Projektarbeiten, Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeiten oder ähnlichen Dokumentationen. Zum Arbeiten mit dem Template muss der ganze Ordner kopiert werden. Dieser dient dann direkt als Arbeitsordner für die Dokumentation. Die Datei diplomarbeit.tex muss nur noch auf den jeweiligen Titel umbenannt werden. Es kann und soll direkt in dieser Datei geschrieben werden. Für weitere Informationen lesen Sie bitte die Anleitung in /Help/etdipa_doc_DE.pdf %%---------------------------------------------%% %% CHANGELOG %%---------------------------------------------%% v2.6 February 2015 * translation of the manual into English. * internal name variables are now automatically set to the according English translation when the babel option 'english' is used. * added a changelog to the README. v2.5 February 2015 * reworked version for CTAN, it's now possible to change colors and the titlepage texts. First official upload to the CTAN v2.4 November 2014 * update of the short CV macro support for employment history entries v2.3 October 2014 * several bugfixes for the presentation in front of a group of teachers at an official TeX course at the HTL St.Pölten, department for electrical engineering v2.0--v2.2 September 2014 * improvements of the several environments before the official departmentwide introduction of the template v1.8--v1.9 July 2014 * new short CV macro, better layout v1.7 June 2014 * changes in the manual and package according to the beta test v1.6 April--May 2014 * first unofficial launch, a group of students tested the template for the documentation of their final year project (beta test) v1.1--v1.5 March 2014 * first document setup possibilities * header and footer setup * predefined text parts * titlepage v1.0 March 2014 * start of the project * short CV macro for fancy CVs inside a document
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.7M).
etdipa – Simple, lightweight template for scientific documents
This package provides a complete working directory for the scientific documentation of arbitrary projects. It was originally developed to provide a template for Austrian “Diplomarbeiten” or “Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeiten”, which are scientfic projects of students at a secondary school.
Package | etdipa |
Version | 2.6 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Simon Michael Laube |
Contained in | TeX Live as etdipa |
Topics | Scientific docs |