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Directory macros/latex/contrib/cleveref-forward


cleveref-forward — Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref

cleveref-forward aims at providing the forward-referencing functionality for the package cleveref.

This package is derived from the package cleveref-usedon, with several fixes and enhancements.
Package dependencies: cleveref, crefthe, iflang, regexpatch.

Regarding the usage

It might be a good idea to start with the demo documents.

The documentation and examples written by Sven Pistre for the original package cleveref-usedon are also very inspiring (but be aware that the usage has changed a lot, so some of the code there may no longer work here).

Known issues / what to do next

  • This package currently works for English, French, German, Italian and Spanish — certainly more languages would be added to this list in the future.
  • The code is somewhat messy for now, and the naming of many macros could be improved.
  • The support for displayed maths is still not perfect: currently, if you choose to print the forward-referencing message outside the math environment, then for equation, multline and dmath, it works nicely (you may need to configure cleveref to make it work with dmath); but for align, flalign, alignat and gather, it would only show the message for the last labeled line. The inside-math mode has no such limitation, but it would require sufficient margin width.
  • Not all configuration yields nice result, more appealing examples are needed.

The original package cleveref-usedon is nicer in terms of documentation, while the current package is slightly more advanced in terms of code. It is hoped that one day they can be combined into a better version.


The author would like to thank:

  • Sven Pistre, for originally developing the nice package cleveref-usedon, and for the friendly discussions with him that inspired many of the modifications later.
  • Ulrich Diez, for his help in a key step of the new configuration command.


This work is released under the Project Public License, v1.3c or later.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (80.5k).

cleveref-forward – Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref

This package aims at providing the forward-referencing functionality for the package cleveref.

It is derived from the package cleveref-usedon, with several fixes and enhancements.

Version 2024-03-15
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2023–2024 Jinwen XU
MaintainerJinwen XU
Contained inTeX Live as cleveref-forward
MiKTeX as cleveref-forward
TopicsExperimental 3
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