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Directory macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-enc

  %% biblatex-enc v.1.0 (17/06/2017)
  %% Copyright 2011-2017 J.B. Camps (jbcamps <at> hotmail.com)
      %%%%% Contents %%%%
      % 1. Description  %
      % 2. Installation %
      % 3. Usage        %
      % 4. Versions     %
      % 5. Licence      %
  % 1. Description
  % ---------------
  % biblatex-enc is a citation and bibliography style for use with
  % BibLaTeX. It conforms to the bibliographic standards used
  % in the École nationale des chartes (Paris), and may be suited for a more
  % general use in historical and philological works. It is initially
  % derived from the historische-zeitschrift package maintained by 
  % Dominik Waßenhoven, with the necessary modifications.
  % 2. Installation
  % --------------- 
  % Extract the files to  
  %  <TEXMFLOCAL>/tex/latex/biblatex-enc
  % where <TEXMFLOCAL> denotes the root of the local TeX installation
  % tree. Don't forget to update the file hash tables after installing
  % the files (i.e. by running
  %  $ texhash
  % ).
  % 3. Usage
  % --------------- 
  % 3.1 General Usage
  % ---------------
  % Load the style as the biblatex standard styles, with 
  %    \usepackage[style=enc]{biblatex}
  % The style provides formatting for both the footnotes and the 
  % bibliography with the standard commands,
  %    \footcite[See][p.~]{my_reference}
  % or 
  %    \footnote{ <some text> [See][p.~]{my_reference}}
  % and with 
  %    \printbibliography
  % N.B.: if you have defined shorthands, they will also be used, and 
  % you can print them with
  %    \printshorthands
  % N.B.: the \cites{}{} and \footcites{}{} commands are also available,
  % as well as \parencite{} and \parencites{}{}.
  % 3.2 Repetition of a reference, an author, etc.
  % ---------------  
  % In accordance to the bibliographic standards here implemented,
  % Ibid. is used for immediate repetition of a work, and Id., Ead., 
  % Eid., Eaed. for immediate repetition of an author. If you
  % want this last one to work properly, you will need to set the
  % field 
  %     gender={}
  % (sf, sm, pf, pm) in the bibliography file (.bib). See the Biblatex
  % documentation.
  % The short title is used after the first appearance of a reference. 
  % You will also need to set it in the .bib file,
  %     shorttitle = {My Shorttitle},
  % Finally, if you want for chapters or articles of the same volume to 
  % be cited with the abreviated volume title, both in footnotes and in the 
  % bibliography, you will need to use the 
  %     crossref = {volume_key},
  % field.
  % 3.3 Critical editions
  % ---------------  
  % For critical editions to be handled correctly (i.e. for the critical 
  % editor to be quoted as « éd. Untel », and not « dir. Untel », the 
  % field editortype need to be set as criticaleditor in the .bib file,
  % e.g.
  % editortype = {criticaleditor}
  % 3.4 Annotated bibliography
  % ---------------  
  % If you want to produce an annotated bibliography, you can do it
  % by setting the option
  %    \usepackage[annotatedBibliography=true]{biblatex}
  % This will print the content of the 
  %    annotation = {This reference is annotated},
  % of the bibliography (.bib) file in footnotesize, after the end 
  % of the bibliographical reference (useful if you want to quote 
  % reviews of a book, for instance).

  % 3.5 Typical usage
  % ---------------  
  % You can call BibLaTeX and the style with,
  %  \usepackage[backend=biber, %biber usage is recommended
  %       sorting=nyt, % sorting by name, year, and title
  %       indexing=cite, %If you want to index cited authors 
  %       useeditor=false, %to keep sorting by title for edited works
  %       annotatedBibliography=true, %to have annotations
  %       style=enc, %
  %       minbibnames=10, %minimum and maximum authors cited in the bibliography (use of 'et al.')
  %       maxbibnames=10, %
  %  ]{biblatex}
  % 3.6 Note on localisation
  % ---------------  
  % This style is set for use with the French BibLaTeX locale
  % but some of its definitions are replaced with new ones,
  % in the .bbx file, in accordance to the bibliographic
  % standards here implemented.
  % 4. Versions
  % ---------------
  % First version mars-april 2011
  % Current version, 2017 : 1.0
  % Modified to work with BibLaTeX >= 3.3
  % 5. Licence
  % --------------- 
  % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
  % of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this 
  % license or (at your option) any later version.
  % The latest version of this license is in
  %   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
  % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
  % version 2005/12/01 or later.
  % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
  % The Current Maintainer of this work is J.B. Camps (jbcamps@hotmail.com).
  % This work consists of the files README, enc.cbx and enc.bbx.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (11.2k).

biblatex-enc – Bib style for the École nationale des chartes (Paris)

This package provides a citation and bibliography style for use with Bib. It conforms to the bibliographic standards used at the École nationale des chartes (Paris), and may be suitable for a more general use in historical and philological works.

The package was initially derived from historische-zeitschrift, with the necessary modifications.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/Jean-Baptiste-Camps/biblatex-enc/issues
Version1.0 2017-06-17
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2011–2017 J.B. Camps
MaintainerJean-Baptiste Camps
Contained inTeX Live as biblatex-enc
MiKTeX as biblatex-enc
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