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Directory macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-accursius



F. Contini, The accursius style. Citing features for Italian jurists, v. 1.0, released on CTAN, finalised in Cagliari (Sardinia), 22nd Nov. 2024.

After this 'prologue', this READMI file is composed by a brief introduction, the licence and a call for a collaborator or for suggestions.

  • This bundle is a style for the biblatex package for markup language.
  • The main beneficiaries of this bundle are Italian jurists, especially the scholars.
  • The underlying purpose of this bundle is to give a valide alternative to word processors.

The bundle is composed by the biblatex-accursius.dtx source code and its derived. After the installation, to load in your document, just write style=accursius within the options of the biblatex package.

Francesco Contini is the current maintainer. If you need, email to <cicciocontini@outlook.it>.

## Brief introduction


This bundle aims to extend the biblatex package to facilitate legal citations: laws, treaties, soft law instruments, other juridical acts like dossiers and, of course, case law. The biblatex package considers scholarly types: books, collections, proceedings, articles and the like. The accursius style provides a comprehensive bundle to cite legal items in the text or in footnotes and to compile a list.


Francesco Contini, The accursius style, Cagliari 2024. Copyright (C) 2024 Francesco Contini

This bundle is available under the terms of the Project Public Licence, as declared in the preamble (see below) of the source biblatex-accursius.dtx.

Just for example, you may distribute a complete and unmodified copy of the work as you received it. Distribution of only part of the work is considered a modification. You can modify your copy of the code of this style, thus creating a derived work based on this one. You can distribute your derived work. You can distribute a compiled work you generated using this style.

These example do not exempt you from reading and observing the licence. Link to https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt.

Francesco Contini, The accursius style,
Cagliari 2024.

Copyright (C) 2024 Francesco Contini

The work consists of the README.md, the
biblatex-accursius.dtx and the derived:
        - accursius.bbx,
        - accursius.cbx,
        - italian-accursius.lbx,
        - english-accursius.lbx,
        - french-accursius.lbx,
        - accursius.bib,
        - biblatex-accursius.pdf.
    The .pdf derived file refers to the
preamble from the .dtx source and repro
duces its text.
    The work may be distributed and mod
ified under the conditions of the LaTeX
Project Public License either v. 1.3 of
the license or at your option any later
version. For the latest version of this
license see the url below.  V. 1.3c and
following are part of all distributions
of LaTeX version 2008 or later.
    The product has got the LPPL mainte
nance status `maintained'.
    The current maintainer of this work
is Francesco Contini. To claim and feed
back or to get a clarification email me
to cicciocontini [at] outlook [dot] it.


Call for a collaborator or for suggestions

Writing in is one thing; it's easy. Yet, it was so difficult to realise all the accursius style. Generally, it's so difficult to produce for , to create and propose something new. Therefore, I am definitively a novice when it comes to production, notwithstanding that I consider myself a decent user, knowing more than necessary to write the documents I need. Good intentions aren't always enough for a flawless job. That is why I apologise in advance for any shortcomings that may be found here and there.

On the other hand, I am looking for suggestions and guidance, first and foremost, on how to manage my repository, also with a view to receiving any feedback on the code and even proposals for modification, to correct and also to integrate. Secondly, I am also open to finding someone who can assist me. As I wrote in the documentation, this work certainly needs a review and some additions.

All this work originated during the writing of my thesis, given the need to cite statutes and case law in accordance with Italian citation practices. I had the desired outcome in mind immediately, as I have a very solid knowledge of citation styles and, more generally, bibliographical topics. As for having to write everything into code, however, I had to rush the writing, especially the documentation, to keep up with the deadline, as I was very keen on completing both tasks at the same time.

This kind of disclaimer doesn't mean that I didn't care to verify that the code works and truly meets the citation style I had in mind. On the contrary, I believe I have achieved an excellent result. It's just to say that the intention to revisit and correct the work is serious.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (447.7k).

biblatex-accursius – Citing features for Italian jurists

This style is primarily aimed at Italian legal jurists and provides them with the ability to cite legal materials, such as legislative acts, regulations, soft law, treaties and case law. Additionally, the style codifies the most prevalent citation practices amongst Italian legal scholars.

Specifically, with regard to the citation of legal materials, this style, instead of developing the entry types @jurisdiction@legal, and @legislation, creates a new one: @itprov, which can describe a wide range of legal sources. Furthermore, it creates a second new entry type: @notetoprov, which is used specifically to cite so-called “note a sentenza” (notes to judgement), which closely mirrors @itprov, but is literature and, therefore, is intended to have the same treatment as standard entry types.

The citation commands are the standard ones.

The @itprov entry type comprises the list institution to indicate which authority adopted the cited act; the kindprov, nprov, provtitle (or titleparties) fields to indicate the minimal ‘ID’ of the act and many others. Finally, the entry type allows to specify where the cited act was consulted, whether from an official bulletin (the ofbull field), an official portal or a private database (the ofportal field), or a journal or collection.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2024 Francesco Contini
MaintainerFrancesco Contini
Contained inTeX Live as biblatex-accursius
MiKTeX as biblatex-accursius
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