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Directory macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/archaeologie


bib-archaeologie Bundle

bib-style for archaeologists, historians and philologists.

Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Lukas C. Bossert

Copyright (c) 2015 Lukas C. Bossert | Johannes Friedl

This citation-style covers the citation and bibliography rules of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). Various options are available to change and adjust the outcome according to one’s own preferences. (German, English, Italian, French, Spanish)

Der Stil setzt die Zitations- und Bibliographievorgaben des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI) (Stand 2014) um. Verschiedene zusätzliche Optionen erlauben das Erscheinungsbild jedoch auch zu verändern, um eigenen Vorlieben anzupassen.

This style contains:


  • archaeologie.pdf
  • archaeologie.dtx


  • archaeologie.cbx
  • archaeologie.bbx
  • archaeologie.dbx

language files:

  • german-archaeologie.lbx
  • english-archaeologie.lbx
  • french-archaeologie.lbx
  • italian-archaeologie.lbx
  • spanish-archaeologie.lbx

additional lists and bibliographies:

  • archaeologie-examples.bib
  • archaeologie-lstabbrv.bib
  • archaeologie-lstpublishers.bib
  • archaeologie-lstlocations.bib
  • archaeologie-bibcorpora.bib
  • archaeologie-bibancient.bib

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status maintained. The current maintainer of this work is Lukas C. Bossert.

Installation of the bundle

archaeologie is part of the distributions MiK and Live – thus, you can easily install it using the respective package manager. If you would like to install archaeologie into your local folder manually, do the following: Go to your terminal, browse to the folder of this bundle and run

make install

If you are using macOS you will be asked for your user account password for the installation.

Further options of this makefile are:

  • clean: deletes all unnecessary files
  • cleanbundle: deletes all files except .dtx, .md. You will get the plain version of this bundle.

This might be helpful if you send the bundle to someone else.

  • ctan: this will create a zip file which can be used to send to CTAN.
  • files: will only create the files from the .dtx-scratch.
  • uninstall: will erase the locally installed files.

This bundle is constantly updated. For hints, errors or suggestions use the GitHub repository https://github.com/LukasCBossert/biblatex-archaeologie.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in the README.md. This project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning. The markdown syntax is inspired by the conventions proposed by keepachangelog.com.

v2.5.0 (2023-10-06)


  • The information about a the pubstate is now displayed in parentheses (see


v2.4.5 (2020-08-08)



v2.4.4 (2020-02-15)


  • corrected the use of the maintitlepunct in the bibmacro maintitle+title+volumes

v2.4.3 (2019-12-03)


  • Spelling error in Italian language for Dresden and München. Thanks to Matteo Turri. (Feedback always welcome!)
  • Some code refactoring for better literate programming.

v2.4.2 (2019-05-01)



  • Renaming \labelnamepunct to \nametitledelim (biblatex 3.12 compatibility)

v2.4.1 (2019-04-11)


  • some errors in the documentation


v2.4.0 (2018-09-25)


  • there was a bug if the field eventdatelanguage wasn’t defined see issue no. 145
  • if the field volume doesn’t have an integer it won’t proceed with it as Roman numeral
  • somehow the field edition was missing for references, fixed it.
  • a mysterious space in the name part, got rid of it
  • missing space before volumes, added a space


  • BIG change: all files are generated from the .dtx file. This is such a major change so we skipped some version numnbers and jumped directly to 2.4.0.
  • the fields postnote and multipostnote are formatted with \mknormrange, that means you don’t have to type -- to get an endash for page ranges.

v2.3.7 (2018-04-08)


  • New data-field arachne = {} to reference to the database iDAI.objects arachne
  • Alias matheseis for thesis (for all Zotero-users) (\DeclareBibliographyAlias{mathesis}{thesis})
  • field eventdatelanguage, you can get the date of the field eventdate in the chosen language, enable with eventdatelanguage=true


  • inreferences=true is now called inreferencesasfullcite=true due to better understanding of the option. There is a fallback.
  • bibstrings are defined in archaeologie.bbx now
  • editortype is now used as parens
  • autolang=hyphen now you can use langid={} to manage to language of an entry


  • better coding for the year delimiter (thanks to moewe!)


v2.3.6 (2018-02-20)


  • citeauthorformat=firstinitialsthenfamily as requested in

see issue no. 138,

  • citeauthorformat=firstfullthenfamily


  • jstor=false by default, since it is no part of the guidelines
  • lstabbrv=true by default
  • lstlocations=true by default
  • lstpublishers=true by default
  • citeauthorformat=firstfull is now called citeauthorformat=firstfulltheninitials


  • wrong entry with \archaeologieoptions deleted
  • labeldates now work correctly

v2.3.5 (2018-02-13)


  • \citereset for author names see issue no. 122
  • \citetitle will give the original title of a work which has the option ancient;

\citetitle* instead will always give title without year.

  • no comma before in: if title is missing (got wrong in last version)
  • volume/volumes are now shown for book etc.
  • daterange for a sequence of two years (now delimited by \)
  • Short-journal for Archaeologia
### Changed
  • volume is now automatically a Roman numeral for book, inbook, collection, incollection, proceedings, inproceedings, you only insert the Arabic number.

v2.3.4 (2017-11-19)

This update is also due to compatibility with biblatex 3.8a/biber 2.8.


  • Arrangement of multiple authors with \textcites; see

see issue no. 115, solved with https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/387162/98739

  • Delimiter of subtitle and titleaddon, it is now a comma instead of fullstop.
  • Remodelled the bibmacro volume and fixed a bug of a duplicate volume.
  • in: is now always with minor I it doesn’t matter if follows a dot.


  • @MvBook and its children can be listed in the bibliography together see issue no. 118
  • \citetitle* for showing the publication title without year of publication.
  • You can use the namefield bookauthor now, then no (ed.) will be printed.

v2.3.3 (2017-08-10)


  • typo in documentation


v2.3.2 (2017-07-19)


  • wrong code-example in documentation
  • issue see issue no. 111 (regarding option inreferences) solved, thanks to moewe

v2.31 (2017-05-29)


  • number after year in an article if there is no volume.
  • volume and title for ancient publications

v2.3 (2017-02-27)


  • empty space deleted after bibliography entries (has only been visible when using option seenote)
  • typo in the German documentation
  • related example in German documentation corrected


  • get the translator of an ancient opus with \citetranslator or \citetranslator*
  • more citation commands (\smartcite; \autocite; \fullcite; \footfullcite)
  • support for polyglossia

v2.2b (2016-10-06)

  • typo
    documentation with new style

v2.2 (2016-09-25)

  • added
    `uniqueme` for variant translations of ancient works.
  • added
    bibliography-file `archaeologie-examples.bib` included

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.2M).

archaeologie – A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute

This citation-style covers the citation and bibliography rules of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). Various options are available to change and adjust the outcome according to one’s own preferences.

Home pagehttp://biblatex-archaeologie.texografie.de/
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/LukasCBossert/biblatex-archaeologie/issues
Version2.5.0 2023-10-05
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2015–2023 Lukas C. Bossert, Johannes Friedl
MaintainerLukas C. Bossert
Contained inTeX Live as archaeologie
MiKTeX as archaeologie
See alsobiblatex-archaeology
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