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Directory macros/latex/contrib/aeb_mlink


Package: aebmlink Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2020-07-12

The aebmlink package defines new link commands to create multi-line links. The new commands are mlhypertext, mlhyperlink, mlhyperref, mlnameref, mlNameref, mlhref, and mlurl.

PDF Creators: Adobe Distiller or ps2pdf.

What's New (2020-07-12): An aebmlink document can now be compiled with pdflatex, lualatex, or xelatex. In this case, no links are created and only the link text is typeset. In this way, in theory, document authors can use their favorite PDF creator and view the document in their favorite PDF previewer (SumatraPDF). To create multi-line links, compile with a dvips->(distiller|ps2pdf) workflow.

What's New (2018-08-18): Created turnSyllbCntOn (turnSyllbCntOff) to turn on (resp., off) the viewing of syllable numbers. Reorganize core program to accommodate the use of mlhypertext command within the program code of annotpro. (This is to implement text markup annotations in that package.)

What's New (2018-04-26): Included a 'dummy' package named aeb-mlink. The aebmlink package is listed on CTAN as aeb-mlink, though there is no such package by that name. Well, now there is.

What's New (2018-04-20): Previously, the links created by aebmlink consisted of a series of rectangles around each of the syllables of the hypertext or url; the little rectangles responded in unison when any one of them were clicked. In this version, Postscript procedures are used to combine the little rectangles into one rectangle per line of hypertext. Also the Rect entry has been changed to be the smallest rectange that encloses the hypertext (or url). The Postscript tries to detect problems with the links, and reports to the log (distiller or ps2pdf log). The PDF Specification does not support cross-page links, to resolve this issued, a method of 'cracking' a link apart, breaking it into two links. The second link is free to move to the next page.

This package requires the latest version of AeB, in particular, the eforms package required is dated 2018-03-22 or later. See ctan.org/pkg/acrotex.

In addition to the demo files distributed with the package, there are two new demo files available from the Acro Blog webiste:

aebmlink: Fixing multi-line link boxes (http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1377)

aebmlink: Crossing page boundaries with multi-line links (http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1383)

Let me know if there are problems or suggested features. e-mail me at dpstory@uakron.edu or dpstory@acrotex.net

My other web site is http://blog.acrotex.net/ has the latest on my ruminations on and PDF.

Now, I simply must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story dpstory@uakron.edu

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (4.2M).

aeb-mlink – Multi-line links with hyperref

This package defines new link commands to create multi-line links. The new commands are \mlhypertext, \mlhyperlink, \mlhyperref, \mlnameref, \mlNameref, \mlhref, and \mlurl. There is a mechanism for breaking links across pages as well.

PDF Creators: Adobe Distiller or ps2pdf.

This package requires the latest version of AeB; in particular, the eforms package required is dated 2018/03/22 or later, see acrotex.

Home pagehttp://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/aeb_pro.html
Version 2020-07-12
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2006–2020 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as aeb-mlink
MiKTeX as aeb-mlink
Adobe Distiller
See alsobreakurl
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