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Directory macros/generic/tokcycle

The tokcycle package helps one to build tools to process tokens from an input stream, on a token-by-token basis, by applying category-based directives to each successive token.

Author: Steven B Segletes, Christian Tellechea (contributor)

Files : 1) tokcycle.tex             (tex/generic/tokcycle)
        2) tokcycle.sty             (tex/latex/tokcycle)
        3) tokcycle-doc.tex         (doc/latex/tokcycle)
        4) tokcycle-doc.pdf         (doc/latex/tokcycle)
        5) tokcycle-examples.tex    (doc/latex/tokcycle)
        6) tokcycle-examples.pdf    (doc/latex/tokcycle)
        7) README                   (doc/latex/tokcycle)

Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later, see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.2M).

tokcycle – Build tools to process tokens from an input stream

The tokcycle package helps one to build tools to process tokens from an input stream. If a macro to process an arbitrary single token can be built, then tokcycle can provide a wrapper for cycling through an input stream (including macros, spaces, and groups) on a token-by-token basis, using the provided macro on each successive character.

tokcycle characterizes each successive token in the input stream as a Character, a Group, a Macro, or a Space. Each of these token categories are processed with a unique directive, to bring about the desired effect of the token cycle. If condition flags are provided to identify active, implicit, and catcode-6 tokens as they are digested. The package provides a number of options for handling groups.

Version1.42 2021-08-25
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
MaintainerSteven B. Segletes
Contained inTeX Live as tokcycle
MiKTeX as tokcycle
TopicsMacro support
Misc support
Generic Macros
Iterating Macros
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