CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/generic/schemata


Short Description

The schemata package helps the creation of topical outlines that illustrate the breakdown of concepts and categories in academic texts from the late medieval to early modern periods.


Filename Description
schemata.dtx commented style file; source file
Makefile For use with GNU make; with source file
schemata.ins installation driver (generated file)
schemata.sty style file (generated file)
schemata.pdf Documentation (generated file)
README.md This file (generated file)
schematest.tex Test file (generated file)
schemata.eps Image file used for the manual

Obtaining the Package

  1. Packaged in your current distrbution: See the appropriate documentation.
  1. Otherwise, download schemata.zip from CTAN.
  1. Unpack schemata.zip in an appropriate directory.
  1. Change to the directory containing the schemata files.

File Generation

Automatic Installation

This method requires GNU make on a POSIX-compliant environment, such as GNU/Linux, various BSD flavors, perhaps MacOS (e.g., with various porting systems), and even Cygwin on Windows.

  • Building and testing with xelatex and lualatex requires one to have the font GFSDidot.otf in a system or user font path. The GFS fonts are available in most Linux distributions and may be downloaded from the Greek Font Society.
  • The package can be built and used with dvilualatex only when one can use modern testing packages (but dvipdf fails). The test file fails with dvilualatex, but it works with dviluatex.
  • We now use an Encapsulated PostScript graphics file instead of a Portable Network Graphics file to permit all variants to build the package.
  • We use the installation on the host machine to build the package. When using make, any dvi files that are created will also be converted to pdf format.
  1. Type make to generate the release files using pdflatex.
  1. To use another engine, type one of the following:
    make ENGINE=xelatex
    make ENGINE=lualatex
    make ENGINE=dvilualatex
    make ENGINE=latex
  1. Type make inst to install the files in the user's personal TDS-compliant directory tree.
  1. Type sudo make install to install the files in the system-wide, local TDS-compliant directory tree.
  1. One can include multiple make targets on the command line, but that goes beyond the scope of this document and is intended for experienced users.

Manual Compilation

Otherwise, the following steps are used for manual installation. See the general information at the FAQ.

  1. To build the package on the host system, generate the installation files and a copy of the documentation without the table of contents and cross-references. We use pdflatex by default:
    pdflatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=batchmode schemata.dtx
  1. This will generate the following files:
    schemata.ins   (complete)
    schemata.sty   (complete)
    schemata.pdf   (incomplete; do steps 3 through 5)
    README.md      (complete)
    schematest.tex (complete)
  1. Generate the TOC and cross-references for the documentation:
    pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode schemata.dtx
  1. Generate the index files using makeindex:
    makeindex -q -s gglo.ist -o schemata.gls schemata.glo
    makeindex -q -s gind.ist -o schemata.ind schemata.idx
  1. Integrate the glossary (changes) and index into the documentation. The second run updates the TOC:
    pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode schemata.dtx
    pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode schemata.dtx

One can substitute, e.g., xelatex, lualatex, dvilualatex, and latex, for pdflatex, but the documentation may look different in some cases.

Manual File Installation

Different distributions have somewhat different ways to store TDS-compliant configuration and package data. See, for example, Mik and the FAQ. Two approaches below conform generally to a Unix-based system:

User's Home Directory

TEXMFHOME is a variable that points to the root of a TDS-compliant directory tree available to a user. Use kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME to obtain its value. Quite often it is equivalent to $HOME/texmf. The dollar sign in front of the variable denotes the value of the variable instead of its name. So if $HOME is /home/bob, then $TEXMFHOME would be /home/bob/texmf, and we can understand the following paths to be under that directory:

Path Description
$TEXMFHOME/source/generic/schemata ins and dtx files, Makefile, eps file
$TEXMFHOME/tex/generic/schemata sty file
$TEXMFHOME/doc/generic/schemata pdf file, README.md, schematest.tex

On older distributions, run mktexlsr on $TEXMFHOME to complete the install process.

System-Wide Directory

TEXMFLOCAL is a variable that points to the root of a TDS-compliant directory tree available to all users on a local site, system-wide installation. Use kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL to obtain its value. See the FAQ. We can understand the following paths to be under that directory:

Path Description
$TEXMFLOCAL/source/generic/schemata ins and dtx files, Makefile, eps file
$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/generic/schemata sty file
$TEXMFLOCAL/doc/generic/schemata pdf file, README.md, schematest.tex

Run mktexlsr with the appropriate permissions on $TEXMFLOCAL to complete the install process.


Compiling schematest.tex

  1. Either go to the directory used when unpacking the zip file or copy the file schematest.tex from the doc/generic/schemata branch of whatever TDS-compliant tree to a directory of your choice.
  1. If one has access to GNU make, use either Makefile in the directory where one unpacked the zip file or copy Makefile from either src/generic/schemata or doc/generic/schemata in whatever TDS-compliant tree it exists.
When using `make`, any `dvi` files that are created will also be converted to `pdf` format.
  1. To compile the test file using make and pdftex, simply type:
    make testing
  1. For multi-format testing using make in addition to that above, one can do the following. The comments should not be typed; they tell one what to expect:
    Comment: Shows transliterated Latin for Greek
    make testing TESTENGINE=tex
    make testing TESTENGINE=luatex
    make testing TESTENGINE=dviluatex
    make testing TESTENGINE=xetex
    make testing TESTENGINE=eplain
    make testing TESTENGINE=lollipop
    Comment: Shows Greek text via babel
    make testing TESTENGINE=latex
    make testing TESTENGINE=pdflatex
    Comment: Shows Greek text via polyglossia
    make testing TESTENGINE=lualatex
    make testing TESTENGINE=xelatex
  1. If one does not have make, one can use any one of the following commands. The comments should not be typed; they tell one what to expect:
    Comment: Shows transliterated Latin for Greek
    tex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    pdftex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    luatex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    dviluatex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    xetex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    eplain --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    lollipop --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    Comment: Shows Greek text via babel
    latex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    Comment: Shows Greek text via polyglossia
    lualatex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest
    xelatex --interaction=nonstopmode schematest

The manual is also a test suite.


Copyright (C) 2021 by Charles P. Schaum <charlesdotschaum@comcast.net>

This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in:


and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of version 2005/12/01 or later.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (835.9k).

schemata – Print topical diagrams

The package facilitates the creation of “topical schemata”, i.e. outlines that use braces (or facsimiles thereof) to illustrate the breakdown of concepts and categories in Scholastic thought from late medieval and early modern periods.

Version1.4 2021-02-27
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2021 Charles P. Schaum
MaintainerCharles P. Schaum
Contained inTeX Live as schemata
MiKTeX as schemata
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