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Directory macros/generic/fltpoint

The fltpoint package for use with TeX / LaTeX
Current Version: 1.1b, dated 2004/11/12
Copyright 2000-2004
License: LPPL, see fltpoint.dtx for more details
Eckhart Guthoehrlein
e-mail <e_w_g@web.de>

This package provides commands for simple floating point
arithmetic with TeX. At the moment, there is support for the basic
operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as
well as for rounding numbers to a given precision.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (191.3k).

fltpoint – Simple floating point arithmetic

The package provides simple floating point operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and rounding). Used, for example, by rccol.

LicensesFree license not otherwise listed
MaintainerEckhart Guthöhrlein
Contained inTeX Live as fltpoint
MiKTeX as fltpoint
TopicsGeneric Macros
See alsofp
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