CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/generic/calcfrac



         TeX & LaTeX package

Author  : TeXpérimental
Email   : texperimental@mailo.fr
Licence : Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or
          later, see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
Status  : maintained

************************ LISEZ-MOI FRANÇAIS ************************
Ce package a des intentions pédagogiques. Les 7 vidéos montrant la
totalité de son écriture à partir de rien sont disponibles sur
youtube à partir de l'épisode 24 :


C'est pourquoi il est livré sans aucune documentation autre que
la brève description ci-dessous.

    Ce package met à disposition la macro \calcfrac qui admet comme
    argument obligatoire une expression numérique contenant des
    fractions. Par exemple

    Elle renvoie 3 arguments qui sont le signe, le numérateur et
    le dénominateur du résultat.
    Ces 3 arguments sont passés à une macro publique \cfdisp que
    l'utilisateur peut programmer à sa guise (une version générique
    qui devrait convenir au plus grand nombre est fournie)

************************** README ENGLISH **************************
This package is intended for educational purposes. The 7 videos
showing its writing from scratch are available on youtube from
episode 24:


This is why it is delivered without any documentation other than
the brief description below.

    This package provides the \calcfrac macro, which accepts one
    mandatory argument being a numerical expression containing
    fractions. For example

    It returns 3 arguments which are the sign, the numerator
    and the denominator of the result.
    These 3 arguments are passed to a public macro \cfdisp
    which the users can program as they wish (a generic version
    which should be suitable for most users is provided)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (69.6k).

calcfrac – Calculates the value of an expression containing fractions

This package is an engine for calculating numerical expressions containing fractions. The numerical value of the expression is calculated with a non-expandable method and displayed in the form of an irreducible fraction or, where appropriate, an integer.

This package is intended for educational purposes. The videos showing its writing from scratch are available on youtube from episode 24: https://youtu.be/6lF4P6B3msw. This is why it is delivered with only a minimalist documentation.

Version0.2 2023-10-28
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Contained inTeX Live as calcfrac
MiKTeX as calcfrac
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