CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory indexing/xindex



Copyright 2019-2024 Herbert Voß The files xindex-lapp.lua and xindex-pretty.lua have the MIT licence. all other files are LPPL 1.3

Unicode compatible index programm for . It needs Lua 5.3 which will be included in at least Lua 1.09 (Live 2019)

  • xindex.lua – main file
  • xindex-cfg-common.lua – main config module
  • xindex-cfg-uca.lua – config module for uca
  • xindex-cfg-nouca.lua – config module for old mode
  • xindex-base.lua – base file
  • xindex-baselib.lua – base file
  • xindex-lib.lua – functions module
  • xindex-lapp.lua – read parameter
  • xindex-unicode.lua – list of Unicode categories

The syntax of xindex

 xindex [options] <inputfile>[.idx] <inputfile>[.idx] ...
 <prog> | xindex -s ...
 cat <input file> | xindex -s ...
 xindex -s ...  < input file

possible options are (short,long):

-v...          Verbosity level; can be -v, -vv, -vvv
-c,--config (default "")
-e,--escapechar (default ")
-l,--language (default en)   
-o,--output (default "")
-p,--prefix (default L)
-u,--use_UCA     no more needed
<files...> (default stdin) .idx file(s)


demo.tex: run

lualatex demo
./xindex.lua demo.idx
lualatex demo

buch.tex: run

./xindex.lua buch.idx
lualatex buch

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (745.7k).

xindex – Unicode-compatible index generation

This package provides a Unicode-compatible index program for .

Bug trackerhttps://gitlab.com/hvoss49/xindex/-/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2018–2024 Herbert Voß
MaintainerHerbert Voß
Contained inTeX Live as xindex
MiKTeX as xindex
Use Lua
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